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Age: 77 Joined: 25 Mar 2012 Posts: 11 Likes: 13 Location: Arizona 16090.00 NLN Dollars
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A farmer wants to have his 3 sows bred, and so he drives over to a hog
breeder that lives down the road.The breeder shows the farmer his 3 male
pigs and they agree on a stud fee.
The farmer drives home, and loads the 3 sows into his pickup truck and
brings them down the road to the males. He leaves them there all day
long, and when he picks them up that night, he asks the breeder "How can
I tell when my pigs is pregnant?".
The breeder replies "Oh its easy to tell,....if the next morning, your sows
are quietly grazing on grass, they's pregnant, but... if they's rolling around in the mud as usual, they ain't!"
The next morning, the sows are rolling in the mud as usual, so the farmer
loads 'em into the truck and brings them back for a second full day of
This continues for a week, since each morning the sows are rolling in the mud.
About the sixth day, the farmer wakes up and while he's eating breakfast tells his wife, "I don't have the heart to look again. This is getting kinda
ridiculous, AND getting real expensive. Will ya look out the window and tell me what them pigs is doing."
"Do what?" the wife asks.
"Look out the window and tell me what them pigs is doing?"Is they wallowing around in the mud or is they grazing on the grass?"
"Neither." says the wife, as she opens the curtain and looks out the window. "Two of them pigs is jumping up and down in the back of the truck, and the other one is up front, honking the horn!"
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104673 Likes: 50471 Location: Gambleville 3516651.10 NLN Dollars
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Age: 77 Joined: 25 Mar 2012 Posts: 11 Likes: 13 Location: Arizona 16090.00 NLN Dollars
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For thought:
Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.
When French people swear do they say pardon my English?
Why did Yankee Doodle name the feather in his hat Macaroni?
Why is there that little space inside strawberries, as if it was meant for a pit, and then the seeds are on the outside?
If something "goes without saying," why do people still say it?
and finally ... (I hope all the children have been put to bed)....
If Hooters restaraunt were to have door-to-door delivery service would they have to change their name to Knockers?
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104673 Likes: 50471 Location: Gambleville 3516651.10 NLN Dollars
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Age: 58 Joined: 02 Sep 2010 Posts: 3 Likes: 4 Location: CA 1390.00 NLN Dollars
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So this guy is looking at the menu at a classy restaurant, and he asks the waiter, "Excuse me sir but how do you prepare your chicken?" The waiter replies "Oh! well we just straight out tell 'em they're gonna die!"
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104673 Likes: 50471 Location: Gambleville 3516651.10 NLN Dollars
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Shalon66, I never heard that one! FUNNY!
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104673 Likes: 50471 Location: Gambleville 3516651.10 NLN Dollars
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After Monday and Tuesday, even the week Says W T F ツ
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104673 Likes: 50471 Location: Gambleville 3516651.10 NLN Dollars
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Who has some more jokes?
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Age: 46 Joined: 12 Jan 2010 Posts: 404 Likes: 276 Location: NIGHTLY GAMBLEMOORE 359710.00 NLN Dollars
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A Vegas Trick
A man comes home to find his wife packing her bags. "Where are you going?" demands the surprised husband. "To Las Vegas! I found out that there are men that will pay me $500 to do what I do for you for free!" The man pondered that thought for a moment, and then began packing HIS bags. "What do you think you are doing?" she screamed. "I'm going to Las Vegas with you... I want to see how you're going to live on $1000 a year!"
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Age: 55 Joined: 08 Nov 2010 Posts: 15 Likes: 11 Location: Los Angeles 5450.00 NLN Dollars
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Just when you think you may have a gambling problem you suddenly realize it could be worse.
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bubblegem, DillyDallyAllie, FUNNY JOKES!
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Age: 71 Joined: 01 Jun 2006 Posts: 279 Likes: 50 Location: North Carolina 896400.00 NLN Dollars
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A man rushes into his house and yells to his wife, "Martha, pack up your things. I just won the California lottery!" Martha replies, "Shall I pack for warm weather or cold?" The man responds, "I don't care. Just so long as you're out of the house by noon!"
_________________ Sharon
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Age: 63 Joined: 30 Sep 2006 Posts: 3690 Likes: 4739 Location: Minnesota 5099188.00 NLN Dollars
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This is out of season, but I still like it.....
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sdean19, gjr1961,
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104673 Likes: 50471 Location: Gambleville 3516651.10 NLN Dollars
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