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Age: 72 Joined: 28 Sep 2007 Posts: 1328 Likes: 373 Location: Bucks County 3049740.00 NLN Dollars
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We make a Santa Key. The special key lets Santa come in through the front door. We found a special looking skeleton key that we put on a red ribbon and hang from the wreath on our front door. Since the traditional Santa stories always show Santa entering the house through the chimney, we didn't want our little girl to wonder how he would get into our apartment. She is gone now but i i still hang the wreath with the key i made.
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Age: 54 Joined: 20 Dec 2008 Posts: 240 Likes: 63 Location: Brandon, MS 117244.00 NLN Dollars
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My dad passed away on August 27th, 2004 and that 1st Christmas without him, a family member had an ornament made for the whole family that is engraved:
I love you all dearly,
Now don't shed a tear,
I'm spending my Christmas
With Jesus this year.
On the back, his name and 12/28/31-8/27/04 is engraved. My fiance and I started dating during that time and every year, this is the very first ornament we hang on the tree. It's just a special way of remembering my dad. God Bless and Merry Christmas everyone!
_________________ tdkbeg
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Age: 72 Joined: 19 Feb 2007 Posts: 222 Likes: 18 6250.00 NLN Dollars
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My family has never been much for traditions for we are all spread out until this year. I was left alone after My home burnt down a couple of months ago , and my two sisters drove all the way from the east coast to the west, thousands of miles to retrieve me. This will be my first Christmas with my family in 15 years and I am just happy to be here. Maybe we will come up with a new tradition this year for I feel like I am starting a new life. May all have a Blessed holiday.
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Age: 63 Joined: 11 Feb 2008 Posts: 267 Likes: 26 Location: California 388936.00 NLN Dollars
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I am newly married (2nd time around for me) so my husband and I will try and create some new traditions. An old one we will do is to have a Norwegian Rice pudding on Christmas Eve. My family did this every year, since we are a mix of Norwegian, Swedish and Danish.
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Age: 71 Joined: 13 Sep 2007 Posts: 148 Likes: 14 Location: SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 386920.00 NLN Dollars
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Christmas at Mom and Dads. For those who like dipping cookies here is a good dipping receipe: 1 can of punkin pie filling, 1 pkg punkin pudding mix,(DO NOT ADD MILK) 1 tub of frozen cool whip (thawd) mix all ingrediants together in a bowl. Dip gingersnap cookies, or whatever cookie you like, gingerbread. Yum, Yum
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104663 Likes: 50460 Location: Gambleville 3515651.10 NLN Dollars
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vickster22, I am so glad you will be with your family this year! Stay strong!
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Age: 43 Joined: 18 Dec 2008 Posts: 1241 Likes: 108 Location: Kansas 5010.00 NLN Dollars
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My family has always went out Christmas Eve night, and drove around looking at Christmas lights, I remember all 6 of us kids and my mom and dad all piled into one car, usually 3 in the front, 4 in the back seat, and the lucky one got the back window. I have passed this along to my daughter, we will go out again this Christmas Eve, and look at lights. My parents, although all their kids are grown and out on their own still do this.
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Age: 66 Joined: 14 Nov 2009 Posts: 66 Likes: 0 Location: sillsbee TX 61670.00 NLN Dollars
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I have do this with my kid every year,Now there in there 30's 20 but still do. Christmas eve we would drive all over looking at the lights.I first started to get in to the all christmas thing. I was single and it was not a good time for me,I never got to give the kids what they wonted, But some many times some one form work would have stop by and left some thing there.Them my kids just made it all work they love to see all it.They really thought is was santa lol lol now I see that a lot would do that.
Last edited by TXsusie on 05.12.2009, 18:23; edited 1 time in total
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Age: 44 Joined: 01 Dec 2009 Posts: 44 Likes: 23 Location: california 1454615.00 NLN Dollars
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Every year on christmas eve
My family would always first thing christmas eve morning
as soon as we woke up we would go to another family member and say "CHRISTMAS EVE GIFT" and if you got everyone you got to open the first gift on christmas.
So i"ll be getting all of you this year !
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Age: 50 Joined: 12 Nov 2009 Posts: 331 Likes: 111 Location: PA 81425.00 NLN Dollars
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well every xmas eve we go to mass then come home and play santa,,wake up xmas morning and open our gifts then off to grams, and paps house we go where the whole family gathers ..xmas is a big deal in my family.hope you have a great xmas with yours
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Age: 43 Joined: 18 Dec 2008 Posts: 1241 Likes: 108 Location: Kansas 5010.00 NLN Dollars
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Wow, everyone has great traditions!
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Age: 61 Joined: 16 Aug 2007 Posts: 27 Likes: 0 240.00 NLN Dollars
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One of our family traditions is making peanut butter fudge and chocolate covered peanut butter balls!
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Joined: 20 Jul 2006 Posts: 422 Likes: 5 12030.00 NLN Dollars
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We all go visiting ev 1 in the family christmas eve and then just spend the day at home
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Age: 54 Joined: 13 Sep 2009 Posts: 12 Likes: 0 Location: arizona 13322.00 NLN Dollars
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Traditionally, my family chooses a Christmas story, like The Night Before Christmas, to read aloud. Each family member recites a passage, as assigned by the kids, out loud. It reminds everyone of the true spirit of Christmas while spending time together. It is also sometimes rather humorous.
Last edited by amcaniff on 05.12.2009, 22:33; edited 1 time in total
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Age: 77 Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 1601 Likes: 1796 Location: Texas 948990.00 NLN Dollars
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When my daughter was growing up, the week before Christmas she got to open 1 gift a day up til Christmas Day, (I didn't put out her big gifts til Christmas morning). Now I do the same thing with her son/my grandson, age 8. He always stays the week before Xmas with me and of course, loves the tradition and I get the pleasure of seeing his happy face as he opens them for 7 days unstead of just one.