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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 10:37 Reply with quoteBack to top

$25 winner: gxrgirl
Post a recycling or conservation tip/suggetion to enter.
ALL MEMBERS are Welcome

Winner announced June 20th. Winner paid by Netspend visa,
intertops icc atm card, or postal mail


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Last edited by TDTAT on 23.06.2008, 06:53; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 10:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

I recycle my old newspapers in my flower beds. They make excellent mulch and plus the worms like them.
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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 10:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

« anniemac » wrote:
I recycle my old newspapers in my flower beds. They make excellent mulch and plus the worms like them.

GOOD ONE!! Old newspapers also clean windows, STEAK FREE!
sounds weird, but true Mr. Green


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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 10:49 Reply with quoteBack to top

You are correct. They work great. You can spray your windows with a vinegar/water solution and then use the newspapers to clean with. No streaks and shiny too.

You can also use the net bags that produce comes in to make pot scratchers. Works well. Just roll them up inside themselves and tuck in the ends.

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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 11:00 Reply with quoteBack to top

When you replace your cell phone with a new one, you can donate the old one to help victims of domestic violence.

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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 11:06 Reply with quoteBack to top

Save grass clippings and food waste for a compost heap. It makes great fertilizer.
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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 11:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have a few tips I live by. It may not sound like much but every little bit helps.

Turn lights off if you aren't using them and buy the energy saving bulbs.
I only take the Sunday paper, I noticed we hardly read it during the week and thats a big waste of paper/trees.
I cut down on my bottled water purchases by re-filling my plastic bottles ( use the heavier kind) from a 2 gallon water dispenser. I wouldn't use them at all but at times the water from the tap taste Razz
Don't leave the water running when you don't have to, like when brushing teeth, rinsing dishes, ccoking etc.
Put a brick in the tank of your toilet. You will still have plenty to flush, and it will save an amazing amount of water over a year.
Use overhead fans instead of air conditioner whenever possible.
and last but not least, one that some people have trouble doing, but when it's just hubby and I here, we do it. A water conserving toilet tip:
"If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down" Rolling Eyes
I like to remembr that if everyone in the world did just the little bit that I'm doing, it would make a tremendous change in our future.

Thanks for this great contest, we all need a reminder and some good tips to help save the only planet we've got.

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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 11:29 Reply with quoteBack to top

Instead of buying expensive tupperware and ziploc dishes I just clean and reuse both the large and the small tubs from the spreadable butter.
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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 11:38 Reply with quoteBack to top

The greatest one that I use on a regular basis.

We recycle aluminum cans!! We save them up and a couple of times a year head for the recycling center with them. They add up. We average $150-$200 a year. Then use it for restocking our fishing gear or a fun weekend away!! The grandkids just love doing it and when you smash down the cans they don't take up much room!!

Our local Catholic High School also started the Aluminum Can Bank and people within the community can haul their cans up to the holding bin in back of school and when it gets full they take them in. The money then is used for something extra that is needed for the school which is wonderful with tight budgets, I believe they said last year the can bank made $4000+!!! Mr. Green

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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 11:51 Reply with quoteBack to top

This is a small one, but easy...don't buy disposable razors! Just buy the kind where you replace the head. I did that back in college and when I think about it, it must be hundreds of razors...

Also, most local grocery stores have reusable bags to shop with, Alan and I use ours for every trip and it even makes carrying the groceries up easier - the bag never breaks!

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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 12:21 Reply with quoteBack to top

I keep the lights off all the time there is enough sun that we do not need lights on at all during the day and we have those energy saving lights hubby insists they are even brighter I think, and I am forever recycling everything. I also use old newpapers to clean my windows with..
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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 12:22 Reply with quoteBack to top

I too reuse the butter tubs for storing my foods, etc. Also, we recycle all our aluminum, paper, tin, glass, and plastic. This saves on your garbage as well.
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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 12:54 Reply with quoteBack to top

I beleave in RECYCLEING every thing I can . I shread any paper ,Calaps all card board , plasic , cans , .exct.
I thake my shreaded news paper to help my garden .It keeps mositure in the garden to save on watering my plants . Also it is good for nitecrawlers for bedding . It's a good thing

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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 13:40 Reply with quoteBack to top

I am taking a college course and we just did a 9 week course on the enviroment, and there are a lot of thing people can do to save the enviroment to maintaining the air we breath to recycling, car maintance, clean air filters,dust the house, humidifyers help,in the winter time seal of cracks to save on energy upgrade thermostates and furnaces if needed, install whetherized windows, you would not believe how much energy is waisted in the air we breath through our heatting systems elecric and gas. I could go on and on but this is just a forum so i will let someone else post there's. LOL Conserve energy people and make our world a better place to live!
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PostPosted:29.05.2008, 13:44 Reply with quoteBack to top

« webdeb » wrote:
I have a few tips I live by. It may not sound like much but every little bit helps.

Put a brick in the tank of your toilet. You will still have plenty to flush, and it will save an amazing amount of water over a year..

I am going to do this!! I had not heard of that one


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