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Age: 50 Joined: 27 Apr 2008 Posts: 785 Likes: 372 Location: Whittier, CA 2159919.90 NLN Dollars
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a tip to help conserve water: take all your water bottles that are not quite finished (but YOU will not drink the water anymore), and water your plants with the extra water!!!!
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Age: 65 Joined: 01 May 2006 Posts: 869 Likes: 6 175364.00 NLN Dollars
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Oh and to conserve the enviroment don't forget to play at Casinoshare! they are running a special for the enviroment.
« jovida » wrote:
I am taking a college course and we just did a 9 week course on the enviroment, and there are a lot of thing people can do to save the enviroment to maintaining the air we breath to recycling, car maintance, clean air filters,dust the house, humidifyers help,in the winter time seal of cracks to save on energy upgrade thermostates and furnaces if needed, install whetherized windows, you would not believe how much energy is waisted in the air we breath through our heatting systems elecric and gas. I could go on and on but this is just a forum so i will let someone else post there's. LOL Conserve energy people and make our world a better place to live!
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Joined: 26 Aug 2007 Posts: 172 Likes: 4 5050.00 NLN Dollars
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Do not have a real tip but;
Do not drive or own a that makes a difference..
I use solar energy to light my garden (does this count whaha)
Have a nice day..
_________________ Thinking is the source of problems.
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Joined: 25 Aug 2007 Posts: 48 Likes: 0 2253.00 NLN Dollars
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save the comic strips from your newspaper and use it as wall paper for a kids room.does an excellent job.also using your soda bottles cut off the tops makes an great start up for your plants its also clear so u wont over water it.old tires make great plant holders for outside to just paint them and there you go
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Joined: 22 Aug 2006 Posts: 873 Likes: 8 4730.00 NLN Dollars
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We keep a good size bucket in our shower. It fills all the way up usually and we use it to flush. Also, I recycle cans, 2 liter bottles and glass bottles
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Age: 63 Joined: 30 Sep 2006 Posts: 3690 Likes: 4739 Location: Minnesota 5099188.00 NLN Dollars
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A great way to recycle is by donating clothes and household items that are in good condition, so that they can be reused. Also, buy some previously used items, that can be used just as well as new. Often by doing this, you are also helping a charity out at the same time! I know someone who works at a dump and you would not beleive how much stuff that is new or next to new filling up the landfills!!!
_________________ DON'T WORRY ~ ~ BE HAPPY!!!
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Age: 62 Joined: 27 Dec 2005 Posts: 424 Likes: 6 319865.00 NLN Dollars
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Bury your ornery ex out in the woods somewhere. It's great fertilizer for the ferns and protects the rest of the world from (a) toxic waste.
(I actually like my ex, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to crack a joke)
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Age: 54 Joined: 01 Dec 2005 Posts: 4462 Likes: 8 30782.00 NLN Dollars
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« bc » wrote:
Bury your ornery ex out in the woods somewhere. It's great fertilizer for the ferns and protects the rest of the world from (a) toxic waste.
 (I actually like my ex, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to crack a joke)
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Joined: 12 Sep 2006 Posts: 313 Likes: 0 Location: north carolina 2600.00 NLN Dollars
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put a barrel outside to save rain water and use it to flush toilets, water inside plants and heat up the water to do the dishes in. i recycle aluminum and plastic too. you would be amazed how much money you can cash in recycling aluminum. enough to cash in to make a deposit at your favorite casino!
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Age: 63 Joined: 11 Feb 2008 Posts: 267 Likes: 26 Location: California 388936.00 NLN Dollars
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I even recycle the wrappers from copier paper reams at work...I hate it when my co-workers throw them in the regular trash. I pick them out.
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Age: 46 Joined: 11 Oct 2007 Posts: 725 Likes: 46 Location: Iowa 778790.00 NLN Dollars
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I've always been a "earth-friendly" person. At my house, we recycle newpapers, pop bottles, aluminum can, laundry detergent bottles, plastic and paper bags, and other plastic bottles. We changed every regular light bulb into the spiral energy saving bulbs. Just this past Saturday, my boyfriend installed an energy saving thermostat (for heat and air conditioning) to save money on energy, it's 100% better that our old one. I wish we could drive less, but we live out in the country and have to travel 12+ miles to get to work, grocery store, etc.....I never litter, either! Another environmental friendly gesture is take more showers (short ones) than baths. You'll use less water that way.
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Age: 42 Joined: 04 Jan 2008 Posts: 34 Likes: 0 6306.00 NLN Dollars
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i've been told that using utilities after 7:00 pm you save more energy
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Joined: 31 Mar 2008 Posts: 76 Likes: 4 3035.00 NLN Dollars
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Use a washable water bottle instead of a plastic one.
Turn off lights when not in the room.
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Age: 59 Joined: 08 Jan 2007 Posts: 1390 Likes: 45 438867.00 NLN Dollars
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I am helping save the planet by playing slots online instead the using gas to go to the land base casinos all around me........................
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Age: 49 Joined: 19 Nov 2007 Posts: 439 Likes: 175 Location: Midland, TX 553640.00 NLN Dollars
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« Nerak1 » wrote:
I am helping save the planet by playing slots online instead the using gas to go to the land base casinos all around me........................
So true, I used to go to vegas every other month, but since I found NLN, I havn't gone for over a year.