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CLOSED $0-$25 April Fools Contest for all members |
Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104705 Likes: 50525 Location: Gambleville 3525351.10 NLN Dollars
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Age: 63 Joined: 16 Mar 2006 Posts: 1450 Likes: 26 Location: wisconsin 18400.00 NLN Dollars
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Well this one i played on a dentist at his office while he was working on a person wearing his mask. I came in and said did you hear the news this morning? brett favre just broke his leg in 3 places he'll be out for the season. There was silence and the look in his eyes with that mask was priceless. after a few moments with a straight face i said no just kidding He said to his assistant and the person he was working on , that jay is a funny guy is'nt he. i just LMAO
_________________ Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers
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Joined: 17 Oct 2006 Posts: 2374 Likes: 1008 1071813.00 NLN Dollars
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i m serving by translator because i havent many vocabulary lol
it is a true story
That occurs in a restaurant where I eat with my sister in Paris.
one began the meal, the restaurant was full, food was average, the hot dish was cold, and my dessert, an ice in the event, any dissolve when they served it to me...
one come to the coffee, No coment! tepid too.
I was already passably irritated by such a meal, and of a blow .
I say to my sister, prepares has you to leave.. she looks me with large eyes and asks me why, I say to her do what I say to you, as soon as I shout you sink! with back-plate, knowing me lol, it tells me ok, knowing very well that in any event she did not have the choice, and a few minutes later, I spit my coffee extremely and coughs and continuous to howl by saying that there was a thing in my coffee, an animal, a cockroach, i do not know what and which it ' s were dégoutant to be useful of the things as that
The waiter looked at me confused, the customers also and at the same time they looked at their plates, I wanted to burst to laugh, my sister has to release her cup and has my signal S ' is picked up and we left quietly restoring without paying
morality: I pay to be well been useful and not to eat anything nor been useful anyhow, I will never have made that if the meal had been correct, but the customer is a king be-it-not?
And I can ensure you that nobody run us behind, I suppose that they was too glad to see similar customers leaving, that had to make them bad reputation, in any case I am never gone back there!!!
it s really true , i was young and after we have laugh of that a long time with my sister
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Age: 53 Joined: 12 Aug 2007 Posts: 260 Likes: 31 72632.00 NLN Dollars
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This one is cruel but true...One of my friends in college, a big football player type, received a card from an exgirlfriend that said "Happy Father's Day". When he opened that card I thought he was going to pass out...all the color drained from his face. Then she wrote "gotcha" inside! I guess it was a bad break up!
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Age: 54 Joined: 27 Feb 2007 Posts: 1569 Likes: 12 Location: IL 37320.00 NLN Dollars
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« anneandalan » wrote:
This one is cruel but true...One of my friends in college, a big football player type, received a card from an exgirlfriend that said "Happy Father's Day". When he opened that card I thought he was going to pass out...all the color drained from his face. Then she wrote "gotcha" inside! I guess it was a bad break up!
Cruel, but funny!
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Age: 65 Joined: 01 May 2006 Posts: 869 Likes: 6 175364.00 NLN Dollars
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You only need a few props to pull off an April Fool's prank on your kids. CRAFT MATERIALS:
Pair of Dad's pants
Crumpled newspaper or rolled towels
Packing tape or twine
Pair of Dad's socks
Pair of Dad's shoes
Poster board
Kitchen table
Kitchen chair
Time needed: Under 1 Hour
1. Loosely stuff the pants with crumpled newspaper or rolled towels.
2. "Sit" the trousers in one of your kitchen chairs and use several pieces of packing tape to secure the seat of the pants in place. Or, you can thread the twine through the belt loops of the pants and tie them to the back of the chair.
3. Position the chair with one side up against the kitchen table facing the doorway.
4. Loosely stuff a pair of socks and fit them into Dad's shoes. Fit the tops of the socks into the pant legs and use tape to secure them to the inner material, if necessary.
5. Fold in half a piece of poster board and tape a few open newspaper sheets to it so that the newspaper extends beyond the top of the poster board.
6. Prop the board (newspaper facing out) on the mannequin's lap, pinning one corner between the chair and the table. Tape the lower part of the board to the chair.
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Age: 54 Joined: 27 Feb 2007 Posts: 1569 Likes: 12 Location: IL 37320.00 NLN Dollars
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One year my very best friend, call me up says she won like $200,000 in local lottery, and to please meet her at this local coffee shop she not sure what to do next, she was very emotional and said i was one of the first people she thoght about and she wanted to share the money with me...., well needless to say go flying, crying calling everyone i and she would know... i get there and she sits just laughing, she spent 15 keeping this thing going, she said she saw my face when i walked in, and did not have the heart to tell me... i could have killed her..
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Joined: 12 Sep 2006 Posts: 313 Likes: 0 Location: north carolina 2600.00 NLN Dollars
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just last april my best friends stepfather came to n.c. to visit and i had been on a winning streak online and won over $1,500 in a couple of weeks. my friend calls and says hey, mom sent you a lottery ticket with my stepdad she got all of us one. so they came over and he handed me the ticket and says goodluck. so i scratched off the ticket and it was a winner for $5,000! lol you should have seen me jumpin up and down screaming and yelling huggin her stepdad sayin OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! i was almost in tears for the wonderful win. then my friend started laughing her a** off and said look on the back of the ticket. it said you have just been april fooled. omg i was so embarrased! i sure made a fool outta myself!
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Age: 57 Joined: 24 Oct 2007 Posts: 1752 Likes: 911 Location: Minnesota 675950.00 NLN Dollars
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Hubby and I concocted an April fool for our son (then 10 yr). He is very much into scary movies. Hubby worked at a ladnfill. The boy and I decided to go visit dad for lunch. I sent my son to go and take out the garbage that was in the office, as dad wasn't in there.
So, as he gets to the dumpster to put the garbage in it, hubby jumps out with a chainsaw in his hands. Scared the living daylights out of our son. You should have heard the scream. He sounded more like a girl at the time. LMAO! I am glad they never did that to me. LOL
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Age: 67 Joined: 30 Sep 2007 Posts: 56 Likes: 0 Location: floyd, Va 3760.00 NLN Dollars
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Year before last I was starting to go through "the change" I thought I knew what was going on but my hubby was terribly worried that we were going to be new parents and at a very late stage of life. Deciding to let him sweat it out a while I feinged morning sickness, tiredness, everything I could think of to keep him guessing. Then he came home from work handed me a plastic container and asked me to go to the bathroom and fill it. At this point of course I knew the jig was up and I was about to be Busted. I did as he asked and told him it was in the bathroom. He proceeded to pull a pregnancy test from a box and went into the bathroom.After about 10 minutes I went to check on him knowing he must be furious. He was sitting on the toilet staring at the stick and shaking his head. My first words were I'm so sorry Honey. And he got up and quickly walked away leaving the test laying.Without a second thought I picked it up to throw it away and as I did I looked at a POSITIVE test line. OMG I almost fainted.I began to cry and walked back into the living room to find him quietly watching the news.He let this go on for several hours before telling me that he had spoken with his daughter and she had told him everything plus one new thing. She was expecting her first child at this he said I guess you forgot what day it is............We laughed until we cried.
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Age: 77 Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 1601 Likes: 1796 Location: Texas 948990.00 NLN Dollars
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Many years ago, when my daughter was 19 and still single, she got me.
I didn't realize what day it was because she called right after midnight (I'm a night owl and always still awake at that time.) She proceeded to act upset and even mustered a few tears before she told me she was pregnant. I never judge or condemn anyone so half of me was happy and excited about my 1st grandchild but the other half was worried for my own "baby". She even said she had no idea who the father was to cause me more concern. After a long discussion and offering my unconditional support, she could hold back no more and yelled: APRIL FOOLS ! I felt a mixture of relief and disappointment but was amazed at what a good act she put on. That's my girl.
Thanks elflady4747, you reminded me of that infamous prank with your post. Now I'll have to think of a good one to pull on my daughter this year.
Keep those stories coming guys, they're a real treat to read.
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Age: 51 Joined: 31 Aug 2007 Posts: 82 Likes: 0 50.00 NLN Dollars
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If you have a sink with a sprayer, put a rubber band around the handle when nobody's looking. This automatically keeps the nozzle in spray-mode. Make sure the nozzle is pointing up and outward. The next person to use the sink will get a splash!
Had this done to me after hubby saw it on Jackass, I think! wasn't funny at the time, but, it will be when I do it to him on april 1st! lol
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104705 Likes: 50525 Location: Gambleville 3525351.10 NLN Dollars
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Joined: 29 Apr 2007 Posts: 231 Likes: 0 17315.00 NLN Dollars
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This was a kind of cruel joke...but yet...funny. When my oldest son was about 9 years old, we played a trick on him and gave him a small piece of what he thought was white chocolate. When he bit into it, the look on his face was worth a million laughs although he didn't think so at the time. What he thought was white chocolate in fact turned out to be a small piece of soap. The poor kid has never touched a piece of white chocolate since.
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Age: 71 Joined: 11 Jul 2005 Posts: 978 Likes: 7 Location: Nebraska 46360.00 NLN Dollars
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On April Fools a few years ago we bought our soon to be son-in-law a fake lottery scratch card. He was always buying them thinking he would win BIG!!! Well the card we got indicated that he had WON $10,000!!!!! We were all sitting around the table scratching cards when all of a sudden he let out a big whoop!!! He was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane~!~ We were all fighting hard not to fall to the floor laughing!!! Finally my husband got up enough strength to ask in his most serious voice "Where do you have to take it to cash it in?" He started reading the back and as he reach the last sentence he reads "At Your Mama's House"! He looks over at me as asked if I knew where that was at? I couldn't hold it in any longer, in hysterics I replied "Read that again" It took him five times of reading it before he caught on!!! To this day he doesn't trust any of us!!! Still ROFL every time I think about it!!