Age: 61 Joined: 02 Dec 2005 Posts: 172 Likes: 7 33561.00 NLN Dollars
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hi, tdtat i know thay have alot to do with noluckneeded, it just pisses me off when that try to feed me a bunch of crap. here is the whole chat.
info: Please wait for a site operator to respond.
info: Welcome to Casino support live help, one moment please for world-class service
Simone: Hi, and thank you for using our Live Chat facility! Allow me to introduce myself as your chat representative...
Simone: will be assisting you, how could I be of service...
tcsr00031818: hi, im am a depoisting player here at casino share and a mimber of noluckneeded and in there monthly contest i won 15.00 for marches deposits but was never payed the bonus, i was told there was tec problems, but everyone else was payed back on the 4th
Simone: Please may we ask you to first confirm the following personal details for security reasons.
Simone: Full name
Simone: Email address
Simone: Date of birth
Simone: ZIP / Postal Code
Simone: Deposit method
tcsr00031818: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Simone: Thank you
Simone: One moment please while we look into the matter for you?
tcsr00031818: ok
Simone: I will be right with you.
tcsr00031818: ok
Simone: Kindly note we got nothing to do with noluckneeded.
tcsr00031818: Casino share and NoLuckNeeded present an exclusive March contest to win free credits! New US players are not accepted after November, 2008. « TDTAT » wrote:Winners for the Casino Share March Top Depositor Contest CONGRATS and GOOD LUCK! 1st: 50 Credits - tcsr00332015 2nd: 30 Credits - tcsr00301133 3rd: 15 Credits - tcsr00305288 4th: 15 Credits - tcsr00031818 5th, 6th and 7th: 10 Credits - fcsr00059998; tcsr00292167; tcsr01065074 Top Wagering Contest Player with the Highest Amount Wagered during contest period Wins $10 Credits - tcsr00332015
tcsr00031818: i get a bonus every month from this contest
Simone: Thank you for waiting. I'll be with you in just a moment.
Simone: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you.
Simone: One moment please
tcsr00031818: who can i call about this matter?
Simone: I am just confirming with my supervisor. one moment please.
tcsr00031818: ok
Simone: thank you
tcsr00031818: yep
Simone: thanks
Simone: Kindly note this promotion is no longer valid it ended already.
tcsr00031818: yes and i never received my bonus the last time i was here i was told there was tec. problems and that as soon as it was fixed i would receive my bonus this hasent happend yet, who can i call about this matter
Simone: please note this promotion is older than one week. I am sorry but this bonus is not valid.
tcsr00031818: who can i call
Simone: we all have the same information.
tcsr00031818: are you saying that as a vip player this i will not receive this bonus becouse someone made a mistake on the casinos part that i will not receive this bonus, if this is the case then i will never deposit here again
Simone: I will be right with you.
tcsr00031818: i will contact mario about this matter, and i will post this chat on noluckneeded web site. where casino share gets alot of there depositing players,
Simone: Kindly note I will escalate your request to your VIP Host,
Simone: she will be in contact with you as soon as possible.
tcsr00031818: i emailed almost a week ago and still have not got a answer,
Simone: I will forward it directly to her.
tcsr00031818: also tdtat from noluckneeded sent a email and is still waiting
Simone: As we have no other info as what I told you already.
tcsr00031818: ok ty
LOL what a load of crap.
Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104695 Likes: 50515 Location: Gambleville 3524351.10 NLN Dollars
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mona2nite, Live chat has nothing to do with the affiliate program.. they know nothing. You will get the bonus, sorry for the wait!