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Vegas2Web....they should be shut down!!

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Vegas2Web....they should be shut down!!
Age: 56
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PostPosted:12.12.2012, 12:33 Reply with quoteBack to top


On September 4, 2012, I played through the night and wound up with a $5000 cash out. I withdrew the money, and went to sleep. When I woke up a couple of hours later, I reversed $1000 and lost it pretty fast. So I decided to reverse a bit more. However, even though I was well within the pending timeframe, my money was gone. I went to live chat and was told that David Williams took my money so I could not reverse any of it. His reason was that I had not had a win in a while and he wanted me to receive this win. (what a crock!). I told David he had no right to hijack my money without my consent and basically what he did was steal it. The real reason he took my money was to use it as leverage so I would sign off on the deposit declaration form. I had caught the casino double charging me a week or two earlier, and it took me over an hour to show them how they did it. By the time they agreed with me and reimbursed me, I was at the end of my rope. I told them if they ever tried any of their tricks again, that I would chargeback every single deposit I ever made at their casino. The chargeback comment was said in anger, and I would never not pay for any deposits that I make. I think David thought that I might seriously dispute my charges, so he took my money and said I had to sign the declaration form before they would process my cashout.

Vegas2Web was wrong in so many ways, and never apologized. It took me over two months to get my money. David also did something to my account to ensure that all my attempts to deposit were declined. At the time when this happened, the casino was winding down a very big contest where first prize was an African Safari. Before, David decided to play God, I was in 10th place for the contest. However, my inability to deposit, and his refusal to let me reverse my money cost me whatever chance I had of winning the Safari.

When you take something from someone without their permission it is known as Stealing. Vegas2Web steals their players' money. This is not a casino to trust. I do hope that one day David William's is put in the position he put me in, and learns what its like to be victimized by a punk.

Whoever owns this armpit of a casino, deserves to have it shut down. I hope every big jackpot hits on the same day and sends you to hell where you belong.


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PostPosted:13.12.2012, 04:39 Reply with quoteBack to top

AndieGirl, I am glad you got paid eventually. I will lodge a complaint with them. Sorry

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