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Top 10 Twitter Secrets for new users | Twitter secrets |
Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104871 Likes: 50727 Location: Gambleville 3549201.10 NLN Dollars
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Top 10 Twitter Secrets for new Tweeps | Twitter secrets for New Twitter users
Twitter is wonderful, but may be daunting for new users.
Here are a few things I have learned in my first month on Twitter.
If you are a Twitter powerhouse, you probably know all of these things
Use this Twitter information and you will not need luck to get the most out of Twitter.
1. How many people can I follow on Twitter? Can I follow everyone?
After you follow your first 2000 at Twitter, you will be
restricted to following 10% above the number who follow you back.
If you have 2000 followers and follow 2000 people, you will not be able to
follow more that 10% above your followers. It is a bad idea
to follow 2000 people your first day or week.
(Updated rules.. 1000 max follows a day)
2. What is a tiny URL? What is google URL Shortener? or
Tiny URL or Google URL shortener, are websites site that shrinks a long url to less characters.
This allows you to say more if you are posting a link
Budurl is the same as tinyurl, except you can track clicks:
3. What are hashtags? Why do I see words with # in them?
Hashtags help you find things on Twitter. If posting a joke,
use #joke at the end. Hashtags are also used by groups to
organize things on twitter. Try #followfriday on Fridays.
4. How do I get more Twitter followers?
A good start is to follow the top 200-300 people who will follow you back.
You will get 200-300 followers by following the names on this list:
Participate in #followfriday. Make a list of people you
like and put them in a message like this:
Great accounts for #followfriday @noluckneeded @twitter ect
Tweet this hashtag: #iFollowBack and people will find you
5. Why do people unfollow me?
This is not always about you. Some Big accounts with thousands of
followers use "BOTS" to get more followers and then use
"BOTS" to unfollow people. You could also be tweeting too much
or be offending your followers. Some accounts give you a week
to follow them back, and then unfollow you.
See mutual/unmutual followers and bulk follow, unfollow, or block:
**Always change your twitter password after using 3rd party software
that requires your twitter password.
Some jerks follow thousands of people then unfollow them all to look
like a celebrity. Block sneaky unfollowers:
6. Is everyone real on twitter?
No, there are people who use robots to post things to their accounts
and there are also people who pretend to be someone else such as a famous person.
7. What do I talk about on Twitter?
Talk about anything you want, but the more interesting your tweets are,
the more followers you will get. Reply to other Tweeps questions and
interact to get the most of your Twitter Time.
8. Is Twitter addictive?
Yes, beware. Check TweepsAnon for help
Real 8. What is a Retweet. Why do I see messages with RT
A retweet is when you repost or recycle another person's message.
Many people love to be retweeted. If I post the message "Good Luck",
to retweet do this: RT @noluckneeded "Good Luck"
9. Is it rude not to follow someone who is following me?
You follow who you want. If a person's tweets do not interest you,
do not feel obligated to follow back. HOWEVER, you will get more
followers if you follow most people back.
10. How do I ask Twitter a question? What if someone is harassing me?
Submit serious issues to twitter through a help ticket:
Ask "Twitter" daily questions
did not make the top 10, Can I delete my tweets?:
Can I delete a tweet I post? Yes. Scroll your mouse on
the right side of your message on your profile page. See the garbage can?
Click that. click the star to make a post a favorite and to show on
your favorites page.
Common Questions and answers about Twitter can be found here:
This list was brought to you by @NoLuckNeeded
« TDTAT » wrote:
How not to annoy your twitter followers:
1. Do not talk politics, unless you are a known political tweeter and people still follow you.
2. Do not tweet about how many followers you have.
3. Do not tweet more than 50 times a day.
4. Do not tweet every thought that crosses your mind.
5. Do not retweet the "Sillyguy has a crazy idea - 15,000 new followers in one day"
6. Do not "sell" only. If every tweet is a sales pitch, you will loose followers.
7. Do not resend the same tweet over and over.
8. Do not curse or insult others.
9. Do not talk about yourself in the 3rd person.
10. Do not send annoying auto Direct messages, if you send one, make it funny.
Extra credit: If you post links, describe them well. "This is cool" is not a good description.
Extra Credit: Do not complain about how slow Twitter is. Some people will be annoyed.
Useful Twitter tools:
Shrinks any URL or
TwitPic, post pics on twitter
Twitter search
To see who follows you back:
Twitter counter, Top 100
Hash Tags: help people find what they are looking for.. use
#quote #joke #poker #casino #earthour #AIG ect
« TDTAT » wrote:
Top 10 Signs you're a Twit on Twitter
Pronunciation: \ˈtwit\ Function: noun
Definitions: 1 A foolish or annoying person on Twitter
2 a person not worth following on Twitter
You may be a twit if more than 2 of these descibe you:
10. You have ever been unfollowed by a blood relative.
9. Your Follwer count is negative.
8. You have been unfollowed by @guykawasaki
7. You have ever sent an auto Direct Message with a link and "Want 16,000 followers in 30 days".
6. You have tweeted multiple times about your follower count.
5. You send an auto DM saying check out my blog with a link.
4. You never reply to your @ replies.
3. You tweet only to celebrities who never tweet back.
2. You only tweet to tweople with more followers than you.
1. You follow less than 10% of the tweople following you.
Last edited by TDTAT on 24.08.2016, 17:39; edited 37 times in total
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104871 Likes: 50727 Location: Gambleville 3549201.10 NLN Dollars
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Please "DIGG" This article:
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104871 Likes: 50727 Location: Gambleville 3549201.10 NLN Dollars
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FYI: I follow almost everyone who comes and follows me on Twitter.
Although I will not follow someone who is an obvious spammer.
I may post a few links to NoLuckNeeded, but if every tweet from
someone is a link, or "Buy This", they are probably not wothy of your follow.
I also draw the line at Porn..
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Age: 48 Joined: 16 Apr 2006 Posts: 237 Likes: 4 Location: Oklahoma 12210.00 NLN Dollars
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Cool tips TDTAT! Didn't know anything about hashtags and such...thanks for the info
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104871 Likes: 50727 Location: Gambleville 3549201.10 NLN Dollars
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Just added:
did not make the top 10, Can I delete my tweets?:
Can I delete a tweet I post? Yes. Scroll your mouse on
the right side of your message on your profile page. See the garbage can?
Click that. click the star to make a post a favorite and to show on
your favorites page.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104871 Likes: 50727 Location: Gambleville 3549201.10 NLN Dollars
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« Brendan77 » wrote:
Cool tips TDTAT! Didn't know anything about hashtags and such...thanks for the info
I was hoping some noluckers would give a crap about this post!
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Age: 61 Joined: 22 Oct 2008 Posts: 503 Likes: 18 Location: LuckyLand!! 24358.00 NLN Dollars
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I do... and thanks for the cool background.!! The "digg" article was really informative, thanks TDTAT! I didn't know all of that stuff about twitter!
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Re: Top 10 Twitter Secrets for new users | Twitter secrets |
Joined: 01 Jul 2009 Posts: 45 Likes: 7 3330.00 NLN Dollars
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This is really helpfully for me..NICE INFO ...thanks!!!
_________________ Veni , Vedi , Vici ......
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Age: 35 Joined: 19 Aug 2016 Posts: 7 Likes: 5 Location: Atlanta 2050.00 NLN Dollars
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Tweeter Karma isn't working anymore
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104871 Likes: 50727 Location: Gambleville 3549201.10 NLN Dollars
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Age: 56 Joined: 28 Apr 2010 Posts: 15336 Likes: 18231 Location: Reno,Nevada 4368023.00 NLN Dollars
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This was really helpful .. thanks .. I ended up at a link to " Theonion " on twitter and I did get a laugh after I did a search to see if it really happened and it turns out they just made up that video. At first I was like OMG ! LoL. Am so gullible at times...Lmaoooo. I Killed some time waiting for poker tournament to start. thanks