Tips To Ponder Before Buying A Poker Table |
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Tips To Ponder Before Buying A Poker Table
Poker tables come in al shapes, sizes and prices.
Folding poker tables are reasonable priced and can easily be stored away or brought with you to the cottage or a friend's house
Racetrack poker tables are probably the most popular tables on the market. They are a great choice if you are buying a permanent piece of furniture for your gaming room, and the cloth/felt can easily be replaced .
Octagonal poker tables made out of oak or birch looks nice as a furniture and can also be used as a dining room table. The draw back with the octagonal all wood tables is that they scratch easily and the cards are harder to pick up than on felt tables.
Standard all felt poker tables gives you more playing surface and are in most cases cheaper and more poker friendly than both the octagon and racetrack table.
The felt on your new poker table should be of sturdy quality. There are several types of felt to choose from and the most expensive is speed felt.
Many poker table owners swear to velveteen and will never get anything else, but wool felt should also be taken in to consideration.
Moneyboxes are very practical and they have to be placed near the dealer slot.
A very important factor to consider when buying a poker table is to decide if you want cup holders or not.
Some feel that there will be more problems with players spilling drinks when they can place their drinks in cup holders on the table.
Many poker table owners use the three Cs rule during poker games. Cash, chips and cards only. No food or drinks allowed on the table.
Others believe cup holders will reduce the number of spills on to the table, because if the player’s drinks are not in a cup holder, than they probably will be on the table felt.
If you decide to go with cup holders, than you should by a table with cup holders that are 2 3/4” in diameter and 3” deep. These measurements are perfect for both beer bottles and cans. Any deeper and the players will have a hard time getting the cans out.(Especially after having consumed a few beers).
Getting a table with the cup holders underneath the table or in the armrest of the chairs is also an option.