The New Face of Poker - Internet Poker |
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The New Face of Poker - Internet Poker
There are several online poker rooms that offer Poker games against real people for real money. Millions of people from all over the globe play Poker on the web. The different players at the table are represented graphically and players can play for super small stakes such as $0.01/0.02 limits or for larger stakes such as $100/ $200 limits. Players use online payment systems to buy chips and place their wagers.
Internet Poker gives players the freedom to play anytime of the day or night, playing in the comfort of their own homes. For those wanting to improve their Poker skills, the internet provides a means of practicing and learning about Poker strategy online anytime 24/7. There are dozens of different online tournaments and hundreds of different online games going on at any given moment. Internet Poker players can also take advantage of added features provided by the online poker rooms such as hand histories, detailed player's stats, color coding opponents, and being able to analyze a table's stats to look at the average pot being played.
Online Poker Tournaments
Most of the Online Poker Rooms offer a wide variety of Online Tournaments, many of them with huge money payouts. From Limit Seven Card Stud to Pot Limit Omaha to No Limit Texas Holdem tournaments, there is always a huge selection of different Poker tournaments on the web for both new players and professional players alike. Online Poker Rooms offer both single and multi-table tournaments. The larger online tournaments consist of literally thousands of players. In addition, many of the larger Rooms offer their most loyal players Private Tournaments in which players can set up their own online tournament structure inviting the players of their choice.
Old School vs. New School
Some Poker players say that they find online poker just not the same experience as home games or playing in a casino. Indeed online Poker is different in many ways from the traditional game of Poker. Internet Poker is a whole new variation of the game.
The main obvious difference is that you are not sitting right across from your opponents, removing any and all ability to watch your opponents' reactions and body language. The new world of playing Poker online brings a new form of Internet Poker tells in which one watches and analyzes the speed at which an opponent bets. You don't have to see a player in person to identify a tell. As with traditional Poker, the concept is still the same - get to know your opponent's playing style and habits, because every action your opponent makes could potentially give you information on what kind of cards they are holding.
Although some players will still prefer to play their weekly home game, the past few years have seen a tremendous jump in the number of online Poker players - millions of people worldwide now participate in online Poker games and tournaments. The software and graphics are also becoming more and more sophisticated. With the popularity of Internet Poker growing each day, the new face of Poker is here to stay.
Oscar Daylight is the webmaster for The Poker Play Zone - A guide to playing Poker on the Internet.