Sit-n-go tournament strategy versus Long tournament strategy

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Sit-n-go tournament strategy versus Long tournament strategy

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PostPosted:18.06.2009, 18:08 Reply with quoteBack to top

card games, online poker, tournament strategies

Sit-n-go Poker tournament strategy versus Long tournament strategy

Hundreds of online casinos are to be found on the worldwide web, all of them offering various types of casino games. These types of game varies from casino to casino, but in all of them poker can be found. Poker is one of the widely recognized and known casino and online casino games. Everyone knows it, heard about is, most people played it. No matter if just for fun, or for earning some financial supplement, being professional or just a beginner, everyone appreciates this card game.

Nowadays gamblers love to take part in tournaments online, facing the excitement the challenge. One of the tournament types is the Sit-n-go tournament usually played at one table by nine or ten players. A benefit of this type of tournament is that it lasts maximum an hour, there are not so many hands played, so for those who would like to play all day long and to win a lot this type of tournament is the perfect one. In a Sit-n-go tournament the ten players are typically in gradation, there are few novices, who are newcomers in the poker world, there are poor players who can play, but are not the best ones and there are the good players who are few, one or two, but there are cases when there aren’t any. The chances are somehow equal, luck is needed, but it is obvious that good players are the ones having the chance of being one of the first three players winning the tournament and splitting the money. The key to win this tournament is discipline, risk limiting, and calculation. The goal to leave the table with more credit than you started with. You should decide your betting strategy, playing methods, the one suitable for your style.

On the other hand long poker tournaments are mostly for professionals, poker veterans. The bets are high, sometimes very high, not just a few dollars as in Sit-n-go, the skills and strategies are sharpened, and players have their own history, there is a true battle of skills. To take part in a long tournament means, playing poker for eight hours or more. This requires proper preparation as mentally as strategically.

Both types of tournaments can be fun and profitable. Sit-n-go is advisable for those who just simply want to have fun, have the need to sharpen their skills and get to learn new strategies, and win a few bucks. A long tournament is for those with experience, tough nervous system, and high financial support.

Good luck in all your tournaments!

Last edited by TDTAT on 22.06.2009, 14:32; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted:18.06.2009, 19:40 Reply with quoteBack to top

Great advice -- I personally, love the long tournies, I love poker and have learned quite a bit over this last year.

Thanks Tawnia.


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PostPosted:05.10.2010, 04:38 Reply with quoteBack to top

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PostPosted:26.10.2011, 02:29 Reply with quoteBack to top

Nice Tip.. Thank you.
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