Roulette System: Spread the News and Beat the Casino Legally |
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Discover the truth, the real secret behind successful business without playing roulette game. (It may not be what you think!)
In this article, let's take a look at how money is really made without playing roulette at casino.
Not many people know this, but it's absolutely critical.
You see, contrary to what most people think, the key to success is NOT just to look for the right roulette system.
Really. Here's the truth... Read the following statement 10 times:
Key Point: Money is made by taking a PROVEN market that likes to win at roulette, creating a LIST of buyers with common WANTS to win at roulette, building a great relationship with them, and then CONTINUALLY introducing them to high quality products and services that they WANT to buy.
A one-time sale is worthless. A list of buyers who trust you and value your recommendation is worth a fortune.
Did you get that?
A one-time sale may generate $25. A satisfied, happy customer may generate thousands of dollars over the years.
That is how money is made. Find a proven market, build your list, and continually sell people the things they want to buy - things they will feel grateful to you for introducing to them.
(I'll show you how to find good markets and create winning products later, but for now, let's focus on the overall strategy.)
You want to create the kind of relationship with your customers that makes it logical for them to regard YOU as the primary source of everything they want.
If they have a problem, they turn to you. If they need a product recommendation, they turn to you. Accomplish this, and you will start building a list of loyal, lifetime customers that will make you rich.
So how do we do this?
Well, reselling other people's stuff is not enough. Giving things away for free is not enough. Not at this point.
Instead, the fastest way to build a list is to put together your own "front-end" offer - a unique product designed to introduce you to your target market and gain their trust. Refer to
Why is this so important?
Well, selling a good front-end product is the easiest way to build trust, eliminate all your advertising costs, and establish yourself as an industry expert as you build your list.
This strategy has traditionally been used by offline direct marketers to eliminate all their marketing costs. It enables you to advertise all you want, bring in all the visitors you want, and let the sales of your front-end product pay for the advertising.
Read that last paragraph again. It's a $100,000 tip.
Instead of paying for advertising, you're making money as you build your list.
A good front-end offer lets you become a leading authority within your market quickly, without having to spend money up front. That's powerful.
Do you see how valuable this approach is?
Here's the process again:
Target a group of people with common problems and goals like playing roulette
Find out exactly what they WANT to spend money on
Put together an attractive offer that promises this solution
Over-deliver on your promises and make your customers trust you
Then, once you've built the initial relationship by selling your customers something, you will easily be able to offer them more expensive products or services on a regular basis - things that they WANT to buy.
This is what is called your back-end strategy.
This is where the REAL money is.
Would you like an example?
Let's say you have 1,000 subscribers on your list. You send out an announcement recommending a new product like to these people, and pull in a nice $500 profit.
Hey, that's not bad for 10 minutes work, right?
Well, my friend, think about this... What would happen if you instead had 10,000 subscribers on your list and sent out the exact same letter?
Right - you would get roughly 10 times as many sales, resulting in a $5,000 profit to you. And it takes no extra work whatsoever; all you have to do to grow your profit even more is build an even larger list.
...And all you need to do to build a larger list is sell more of your front-end product, making money as you go along.
Key Point: Double the size of your list, and your back-end profits instantly double. Triple the size of your list, and your profits triple.
This is why building a list of buyers, people who value your recommendation, is essential.
In fact, an in-house list of 1,000 customers can realistically generate $100,000 a year, if handled right. (And I'll show you how to find all the back-end products you want, as soon as we have perfected your product and sales process.)
By using this strategy, it doesn't matter if you don't make a huge profit on your first sale. What matters is that you will be able to build a very large database of satisfied, lifetime customers in a very short time.
That's the most valuable asset any business can have.
To sum it up: Repeat sales and loyal lifetime customers is the key to the vault. That's how money is really made.
Do not forget this.
Well, that's it for this article. Next time, I'll let you in on a little "secret" that could be preventing your business from being successful right now... And then I'll show you exactly how to fix it. (Good stuff.)
Until then, my friend, I wish you all the best!
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Raymond Lai, a mathematician, statistician and roulette system creator provides a solid, common sense approach to solving problems and answering questions relating to roulette system and roulette tips. His website seeks to provide free roulette tips and roulette system. Visit raymond at: