Age: 61 Joined: 23 Feb 2011 Posts: 399 Likes: 143 Location: dublin 82142.00 NLN Dollars
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did anyone ever work out how there great bonuses work ,try a 13 times play and machines are dead ,heres a tip if on the day at the derby you win bonus well you wont get anything on any other machine there are 2 but you must bet high to bring yourself back thats iff you have any credits left,if you want try 70 times play its extreme i have done it,3 days later not a great win either ,even bet high on a big playthrough wont help .as they say its a 96 pcent payout over all the rival sites most beeing run by pantasia, all i can do is give 4 winning sites gibson ,tropica,paradise 8 {wich by the way had a bad review that not true} and well i cant remember i played the whole listb ,there online support isnt great but when it is open great, i downloaded all and kept 7 otherwise i would loose track
Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104202 Likes: 49899 Location: Gambleville 3449701.10 NLN Dollars
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hong kong, I like to play without bonuses, but thanks for the advice... a bonus is a good tool to extend your gambling money if you like to play slots. I prefer video poker, so usally not many bonuses allow that.
Age: 61 Joined: 23 Feb 2011 Posts: 399 Likes: 143 Location: dublin 82142.00 NLN Dollars
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yea i never tried there poker i find there bets too high,good vidio poker on playtech or i go to a club to see the cards for real,i dont realy believe playing poker online is a safe bet,how do i know who is on table is for real
Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104202 Likes: 49899 Location: Gambleville 3449701.10 NLN Dollars
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hong kong, not poker... video poker. video poker has nothing to do with texas holdem. Poker you play other players, not the casino, video poker is a casino game like slots... Remember your odds are ALWAYS better on video poker than on slots. This is true for land casinos or online casinos, but you have to know how to play video poker to play it.