Push For Legalizing Online Betting In US

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Push For Legalizing Online Betting In US

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PostPosted:17.05.2009, 07:31 Reply with quoteBack to top

Push For Legalizing Online Betting In US

The online gambling industry in US has stepped up its campaign for legalizing Internet betting. Already a Democratic Congressman has introduced a legislation for the purpose.

Representative Barney Frank from Massachusetts said his bill would "enable Americans to bet online and put an end to an inappropriate interference with their personal freedom."

It would give the Treasury Department the authority to establish regulations and a licensing system for Internet gambling operators that would allow them to take bets from individuals in the United States.

A previous effort by Frank failed to get out of committee, but the combination of grass-roots and corporate support, as well as the weakening of the Republican Party, might improve the odds, advocates said.

Congress in 2006 passed a law banning U.S. banks, credit card and financial companies from processing online gambling transactions. Regulations governing enforcement of the law were adopted by the Bush administration in January and will take effect Dec. 1 if Frank's legislation does not succeed.

Frank said he planned to introduce separate legislation seeking to delay implementation of the bill which effectively banned online gambling in the United States, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA).

"The legislation will stop federal regulators from enforcing the UIGEA until Congress has had a chance to decide national policy," Frank said.

The US ban on Internet gambling has been challenged as an unfair trade restriction at the World Trade Organization.


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