Age: 44 Joined: 03 Oct 2004 Posts: 718 Likes: 29 5367.00 NLN Dollars
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Americans play Poker in many places such as in casino card rooms, online and at home. It is estimated over $170 million in bets are made through online casinos everyday and this figure may double by 2006.
Poker has been a popular card game for years, possibly the most popular casino game. Nowadays, most of the online casinos have some form of Poker. Even television has jumped on the bandwagon with shows such is the World Series of Poker and Hollywood Celebrity Poker just to name a few. There are all kinds of Poker tournaments played almost everywhere in world.
A new magazine, “Bluff Magazine” has been created for online Poker lovers. It is very popular especially with the younger generation.
Poker, just like every other game, requires skills in order to play. Basic know how is not enough. It is imperative to develop strategy if you want to win. This is when a good casino portal comes in, like or our sister site Both offer poker site reviews, tips and tutorials on how to play poker.
Actually, some feel it is easier to play at an online casino; the reason being you don’t face the other players. Your opponents can’t see your expressions which makes it difficult to perseive your moves.
There’s no doubt in my mind that online casinos have played a big role in the Poker explosion. Let’s face it, poker is BIG, it’s getting bigger everyday and it’s here to stay.
Tony Karabetsos is a webmaster of Gambling Cove an Online Casinos Portal with articles reviews and information related to online casinos.