Online Gambling Casinos - Wear Your Thinking Cap and Prosper

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Online Gambling Casinos - Wear Your Thinking Cap and Prosper

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PostPosted:21.11.2005, 17:40 Reply with quoteBack to top

I receive many emails each week from people who deposited money at an online casino, only to walk away empty handed merely minutes later. Most of them are quite upset and understandably so. When you have lost money you want to blame someone. It's part of the human psyche and a natural reaction.

When I ask people if they were playing according to a strategy the answer is normally something like "Huh? What's that?". Enough said. Now don't get me wrong. I am not suggesting we all go out and obtain science degrees and start crunching numbers in every playing session. I am however suggesting that you arm yourself with a few important tools before you deposit your hard earned money at an online casino. These basic tools are not rocket science, but they require you to do some work before you spin the reels or lay a chip.

Money Management

This is by far one of the most important aspects of gambling at online casino but astonishingly one of the least discussed subjects. A sound money management strategy consists of three important elements: budget management, bankroll management and betting limits.

Budget management is simple enough. Set your monthly budget and stick to it. Only gamble with more if you are playing with winnings. In fact, I have a rule for myself where I don't even do this. I cash my winnings in immediately. There's an old belief in gambling that money you have won will go back faster to the casino than your own and I buy that.

A bankroll management strategy simply relates to how you are going to spread your budget across several playing sessions and across a variety of games. This will maximize your playing experience. It is no use dumping your entire session bankroll into an expensive slot machine if you are looking to get entertained for a couple of hours. Finally, manage your betting limits. Decide how high you are prepared to go and stick to it. Too many people get an adrenaline rush and cross their limits. Although you may win every now and then you'll spend far more time in front of the TV over time.

Game Strategy

No matter which online casino game you prefer, following a basic strategy is a hundred times better than having no strategy at all. Online casino gambling strategies range from very simple to highly sophisticated. Take blackjack for example. Basic strategy involves a simple strategy card that will guide your decision to hit, fold, or stand on a given hand. More sophisticated strategies involve things like card counting. As far as slots go, a simple spin and hope strategy won't get you far. There are simple strategies like machine selection to more expansive progressive loss betting systems. The net is littered with gaming strategies so you won't have to search for too long.

Some basic but careful planning could make your experience a lot more worthwhile!

Ryan D. has over 6 years in the online casino and sportsbook market in marketing, operations and customer service. He shares his "insider" views at The Online Gambling Insider.

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