Age: 59 Joined: 03 Aug 2006 Posts: 727 Likes: 23 Location: Twelve Step, USA 7970.00 NLN Dollars
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I have been trying to reach chat at Carnival for days. Finally this morning while waiting for support I message popped up...something about waiting for legislative word and that they are continuing to monitor the situation. I replied by asking if they could help me today and there was no answer. It pisses me off that I have invested all this money at these casinos and may never get a payout or even the chance. How the hell is it illegal to gamble on line when kiddy porn remains ramped on the web and every sicko has access to anything they want to see? How is it that I can walk out my door and buy a gun or drugs but cannot engage in harmless entertainment in my own home? Yet another freedom that has been taken away from us. Maybe everyone needs to think about this the next time they put their total faith in our current administration and giving this weasel the liberty to do anything he wants, from wire taping to torture. It is all slowly being taken away from us. DO THESE F&%^$&** PEOPLE NOT HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO!! There are two more dead soliers in Iraq today and thousands before them and all they can seem to get accomplished is yanking our freedom to spend our f&*&*^$& money anywhere we freakin choose!!!!!!!! Sorry, but this is unacceptable.
Thanks for listening!
Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104520 Likes: 50283 Location: Gambleville 3492851.10 NLN Dollars
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Its the whole GROUP>>>>
Ny, playgate, Joyalnd, Monaco Gold, prestige,
USA, Club Dice, Diamond, Amber Coast
AND ALL Casino Partners playtechs will close USA ACCTS>
Cameo, Del rio, Tropez, Vegas red AND Europa
XXL, Sky Kings and Sierra Star, Royal Dice, And Giant Vegas