New Bill would reverse US online gambling Ban

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New Bill would reverse US online gambling Ban

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PostPosted:01.06.2009, 04:38 Reply with quoteBack to top

New Bill would reverse online gambling Ban
By member LadyLucky

Well, It looks like Barney Frank, D-Mass,. is finally beginning to see the
negative effects of his attempt to ban online gambling and with the
prospect of collecting increased tax revenues for the federal government
it looks to me like he has done a complete turn around. The legislation
Barney Frank originally introduced to congress in 2007, never advanced
from committee. According to United Press International the following
article was published on May 26..,

WASHINGTON, May 26 (UPI) -- A Democratic congressional member has re-introduced legislation that would reverse
a ban on Internet gambling enacted when Republicans led the U.S. Congress.

The measure Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., introduced earlier in May would allow the U.S. Treasury department to license
and regulate online gambling companies used by customers in the United States, The New York Times reported Tuesday.
Currently, financial institutions are banned from handling transactions from Internet gambling sites.

Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said the federal government could collect increased tax revenues
if Internet gambling was regulated. He also characterized online gambling as an activity activity the government should neither
encourage nor prohibit, because it was a matter of personal liberty.

Frank said he thought lobbying by poker players and other fans of online gambling could help roll back the ban. He said he
intends to move the bill through his committee before Congress breaks in August.

Opponents, including social conservatives, and professional and amateur sports organizations, said more gambling opportunities
pose a threat to the integrity of their competition, the Times said.

I knew it was only a matter of time and I think any U.S. Citizen who
gambles online knew it also. When it comes to collecting
taxes the U.S. Government doesn't want to miss out on a dime.
I think most of us felt that the attempt to ban online gambling
was indeed because the U.S Government was not "getting a piece
of the pie".

The new bill would ensure that "Uncle Sam" gets his cut, but would also
benefit players from the United States.

Back in 2006 the UIGEA (Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act)
passed when it was attached to the "Safe Port Act", a "must pass" piece
of legislation voted on the night before Congress adjourned prior to the
2006 mid-term elections. A "must pass" bill is something like an
appropriation bill that is critical to the actual functioning of government.
The gambling aspect of the law has nothing whatsoever to do with the
rest of the Safe Port Act. No separate vote was taken on the Gambling
Enforcement Act itself.


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