Age: 44 Joined: 03 Oct 2004 Posts: 718 Likes: 29 5367.00 NLN Dollars
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Myths, Rumours & Legends
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Slot myths
You've probably seen this one. After playing for a long while the player finally and grudgingly
give up on the machine and leaves. In a very short time, another player steps up, slips three
coins into the machine and pulls the handle jackpot. Now if that guy had only played one
more time he would have won the jackpot. Not so. RNG's (Random Number generators) are
always in motion in the modern slot machine and timing is the only thing that determines a
payout. Had the original player stayed at the machine he would have had to engage the reels
at the precise moment the new player did, a very improbable proposition.
Warm Coins are a sign that the machine is due to pay off soon.
Many players believe this to be true, the truth is it only means that the lights inside the machine
have thrown a little heat on the coins and warmed them up. It means nothing more than this.
After putting a lot of money into a machine it just has to pay off.
Not necessarily so. Payoffs are not calculated in that manner, they are calculated on a
percentage pay out over an indefinite period of time. This means that over time a slot machine
will payback whatever percentage it has been set for. It has no idea how long you have been
playing and what's more it doesn't care.
The higher coin denomination the higher the payout. The percentage pay out does not vary all
that much on higher end machines although it is true that nickel machines pay back less than
quarter and dollar machines do. A recent survey showed nickel machines paying from a low
of 85.2% to a high of 92.8% Quarter machines from a low of 91.1% to a high of 95.2% in
downtown Las Vegas. Fifty cent machines from a low of 90.1% to a high of 95.4%, Dollar
slots from low of 90.0% to a high of 96.5% and five dollar slots from a low of 91.9% to a
high of 97.3% at Lake Tahoe. The spread from quarter machines to five dollar machines, at
the high end, is 2.1% hardly significant. Players should "prime" a machine before beginning
serious play. This practise will get you exactly nothing. Machines don't know they are being
"primed" and will treat the priming coins the same as any other coins played. This popular
myth is just that.
Casinos control the payout from a central location. Perhaps our technology has advanced to
where this might be possible but it just isn't the case. There is such a thing as the Casino
gaming board, which prohibits Casinos from tinkering with their machines. Sceptics will
continue to believe what best suits their mind set but this one isn't so.
Casino floor employees can tell you where the "hot" slot machines are located. If they are real
astute they may be able to tell you that a certain machine has not paid off for quite a while but
that is no guarantee that it is ready to pay off. When a player does win on this tip it's almost
impossible to persuade him that it was pure luck.
Maintenance mechanics will reset your machine if it's winning to make sure it stops winning.
Another strange idea held by some slot players. The maintenance mechanics job is to see that
the machine is working properly, the pay out schedule is not set by maintenance.
Play the machines near the door and or aisle-ways. There are a lot of machines taking up this
part of any casino and perhaps there is "some" credibility to this belief but I wouldn't spend
all my time in Vegas, or anywhere else, looking for that elusive "loose" slot.
To play maximum coins or less than maximum coins. Like most questions on slots this has no
absolute answer. There are those who believe you should always play maximum coins and
those who believe otherwise. My take suggests that it's up to the player, cautious players will
play less than maximum and aggressive players will always play the maximum. Playing the
maximum can run your bankroll down pretty quick but then a good jackpot will bring it up
again. My style of play is less than maximum if the payout is the same percentage wise, 3 to 1,
6 to 2, and 9 to 3.
Pulling the handle in a certain way will determine the outcome of the spin. Not so. People
who practise this technique will win no more or less than those who are more conventional in
pulling the handle. Technique had nothing to do with the outcome. You'll save energy if you
press the buttons.
.Over the years, we've all heard about pressing sequences of buttons to empty a machine, do a reset or award free wins.
Aside from the genuine tricks, everybody knows somebody who has a great theory of winning money. They usually revolve around a way of guaranteeing repeats on the jackpot (like the infamous idea of leaving it timeout to repeat, which translates as a way of saying "I'm an idiot").
Of course, these "tricks" can never be replicated every time - or they would be genuine emptiers - but this never stops them from insisting it always works for them, when you're not looking of course!
Now these stories have moved with the times bringing in modern "tricks" such as using a mobile phone near a machine to drop a jackpot. Just like the over-hyped millennium bug, these problems always seem to cause things to pay out rather than just crash them (or do nothing at all).
On this page you can read quotes from people who have posted their "top tips" to me over the years - some of which are just too funny to keep out. I've taken away the names to protect their identity and their reputation!
Other stories will be experiences from other players on what has happened to them, perhaps when some idiot comes over and tries to give good advice when you're playing a machine.
If you have heard any more crazy stories that you simply have to share with the world email me and ill
Include them in here J
"I have noted that when playing a machine; mostly in arcades- that if my mobile phone rings I often have noted that the £15 jackpot soon drops in. Digital signals could interfere {possibly} with its brain"
"... I got a good tip of a friendly landlady today - If you hold cancel down as the Simpsons board starts, it can go red, which apparently, is jackpot. Needless to say, with this helpful advice and the fact she got a stool next to the machine, I didn't attempt to streak it!"
"Right, machines pay 75% of takings (for arguments sake).
25% is kept by them. So, the money that is backed into the drop box is the 25% since the money in the hopper will be paid out eventually. The machine cannot take anymore that 25% into the drop box without having a debt to be paid from the hopper. You follow so far?
So, the best time to play a machine is when its backing - what if you can make the machine back whenever you want? even if its only got say £50 in the hopper, and isn't anywhere near full, if you make it back, and it knows
its backing (not broken) then surely its gotta be thinking about paying out?! Right?
so, why not play with 50p coins all the time - they'll always be backed, and hence should get the machine in a good mood."
"When playing Barcrest's Arabian Nights when on £3 and you are going higher/lower usually it will end up on a 2. Go lower as 9 out of ten times a one will spin up. when you have a Jackpot repeat chance just leave the gambler until it will ALWAYS land on yes and you will win £30"
"G Force Rollercoaster; After a £5 win on the board press cancel and type in 1,2,3,3,2,1 five times for instant jackpot plus repeat chance!!!! (programming flaw)"
"Some guy once tried to convince me that you could keep re-entering the feature on Homers Meltdown once you died by pressing Exchange, Collect and Start one after the other!" - Anonymous (Feb 2000)
"On Lucky Strike Club, if you refuse a big win, say over £40 the machine thinks you have collected it and plays badly.."
"If you have a nudge and you bring down 2 of any kind and the fruit machine doesn't already read " LET EM SPIN " press start and the 2 fruits of a kind that you brought down should spin in along with the other identical fruit. Also if the machine that you are playing has a bonus on the 4th number of it' s trail and a no 2 spins in on it' s own with no other numbers , "HOLD ALL THREE " and you will get the bonus." - Top tipster!, March 2000 [btw, all of the above is true, but it's the fact that some idiot posted them as "top tips"]
"On London Underground, take one knockout
and hit mystery win. It pays out at least £5 and up to the jackpot of £15" - Top tipster no. 2, March 2000 [Incidentally, this only happens when streaking, otherwise you would empty the machine!]
"Last night I found that if you have 2 mobile phones and you phone the other one while you are spinning the reel it seams to give you more of a chance at getting money.