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Intertops Poker | 200% Sign Up Bonus Code up to $1000 |
Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104871 Likes: 50727 Location: Gambleville 3549201.10 NLN Dollars
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Age: 56 Joined: 18 Nov 2012 Posts: 1 Likes: 0 Location: Sheffield 200.00 NLN Dollars
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What are the playing requirements for this sign up bonus at Intertops. I am interested in the $2000 sign up bonus but would like to know what multiplier of action is required to clear the bonus.
I play full ring NLHE at $50 and $100 levels and so my main concern is in not being able to work it off in time as these games don't produce vast amounts of rake.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104871 Likes: 50727 Location: Gambleville 3549201.10 NLN Dollars
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Dagger, Hi there! You would have to play very high or an awful lot to get $4000 in bonus...
"The bonus is paid out in $5 increments and will be credited to your account directly upon fulfilling the Frequent Player Point demands (FPPs). You need to collect 83.335 FPP for every $5 increment. Minimum deposit required is $20."
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Age: 61 Joined: 23 Feb 2011 Posts: 399 Likes: 143 Location: dublin 82142.00 NLN Dollars
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TDTAT, so i decided now too get into poker i got 2 gold chips from intertops wot can ido with them its another world now,im sure too get slaighterd
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104871 Likes: 50727 Location: Gambleville 3549201.10 NLN Dollars
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Age: 61 Joined: 23 Feb 2011 Posts: 399 Likes: 143 Location: dublin 82142.00 NLN Dollars
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TDTAT, hi im still checking this out i cant find this on texas hold em
does the small blind need to put additional money in ,to stay in the game ,before the flop,
ie iff all 5 players called the bb then does the sb need to bet iff he has a good hand,so he can play his cards in the flop,or id the sb counted as a bet??????
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Age: 61 Joined: 23 Feb 2011 Posts: 399 Likes: 143 Location: dublin 82142.00 NLN Dollars
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the answer is they must bet as part off the round ,the first round bey ends with the bb,unlick some tutorials wich tell you with the button good examples shown on paddy power.sti;; dont know wot im doin
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104871 Likes: 50727 Location: Gambleville 3549201.10 NLN Dollars
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hong kong, The small has to complete the bet to stay in the hand. So if no one raises you double the small blind to stay in which is called calling. If someone raises you have to put in the half of the bet plus the raise. But you should only call a raise in the small blind with a very good hand because that's the worst position.
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Age: 61 Joined: 23 Feb 2011 Posts: 399 Likes: 143 Location: dublin 82142.00 NLN Dollars
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104871 Likes: 50727 Location: Gambleville 3549201.10 NLN Dollars
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hong kong, Play the freerolls they have daily to get in the swing of things. Also if you really want to learn how to play poker read "Super Systems" by Doyle Brunson.
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Age: 61 Joined: 23 Feb 2011 Posts: 399 Likes: 143 Location: dublin 82142.00 NLN Dollars
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TDTAT, hi me again so i got a bit is in a ring game,wich is cash wot position must you be in too leave,off course iff you are cashless you have left.and given the option to rebuy chips,but lets say after 1 hr you want too leave that game cause ,you wanna play somthing else.,and you arnt in a dealt hand ,do you have a position that you have too be in too leave
And my other question is why somtimes iff you wan to fold the prompt is only showin check or raise??
i must say its good fun
question 3 is wats the differents between a sit an go and ring game,i search aroun for these answers but didnt fin love pain
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104871 Likes: 50727 Location: Gambleville 3549201.10 NLN Dollars
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hong kong, Hi! You can leave any hand you want... but most people will play until the big blind comes back around to them. Look at it like this: Every big blind is like the fee you pay to get delt a round of free hands.
There will always be a fold option if a bet is involved... Sometimes you will see check or bet because no one else has bet on that round. You wil only see check or raise if you are in the big blind and no one else has raised (you already paid because you were the big blind, so you should not fold. Even if you have 7 2, the flop could come 772).
If players have not bet in front of you then there is no reason to fold, it is free to see the next card. In a live game of poker you would NEVER want to throw away your hand if no one bets because it costs nothing to see the next card. Also you folding your hand when there is no bet could alter the action for the other players. Like if you just folded your hand without a bet now another player may bet the next round because only 1 other player is left. That is not fair to the other players in the hand.
ALSO- Never fold on the river if there is no bet. I have won a hand with J high in a live game because no one had anything better, and someone threw their hand away because they thought they could not win with Q high.
A sit-n-go is a tournament that starts as soon as 10 or whatever number of players join (We call them SNGs and they can have 3, 5, 10, 20 or any number of players that is stated in the touanemnt rules. I commonly play 10 player SNGs).
A ring game is a cash game.
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Age: 61 Joined: 23 Feb 2011 Posts: 399 Likes: 143 Location: dublin 82142.00 NLN Dollars
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TDTAT, wow great thanx you are amazing where else could i get info like that but only here
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Age: 61 Joined: 23 Feb 2011 Posts: 399 Likes: 143 Location: dublin 82142.00 NLN Dollars
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TDTAT, hello me again what in the ring cash games does it mean when it says shallow for some games and turbo for others
i seem to do ok then start playing bad after an hour
I think i likeit, though been meaning to try it for ages,and the best part is its your game,you can rely kick yourself sometimes for getting dragged into to a re-raise situation,then loosing cause wernt checking what the other players hands possibility's are .
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104871 Likes: 50727 Location: Gambleville 3549201.10 NLN Dollars
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hong kong, Shallow means a game with less than the usual buy in. So in a 2-5 no limit game a normal buyin would be $500... shallow would be like $100 or $200.
Turbo means fast and usually it's tournaments that will be marked as turbo... It means the blinds go up very quickly.