Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Expose |
Age: 44 Joined: 03 Oct 2004 Posts: 718 Likes: 29 5367.00 NLN Dollars
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Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Expose Gapping Flaws In The Casino Gaming Laws
Without getting into a moral or religious battle about the pros and cons of Casino gambling, it is clear something is terribly wrong with the gambling laws as they exist in many parts of the Country.
Hurricane Katrina Destroyed all the Casino's along the Golf Coast along the Louisiana, Mississippi Border. Hurricane Rita took out the Casino's in Lake Charles Louisiana. Both of these states have rules requiring casinos to be floating on water. In the Mississippi gulf Area the casinos are a major producer of revenue and a major source of employment. Once a decision is made to allow casino gaming by the voters why not allow safe gaming.
In Mississippi the Casino Barges were tossed all over town. There were pictures of slot machines spread all over the ground. It makes one wonder how much extra damage was done by these flying Casino's. Doesn't it make more sense once you make a decision to allow gaming that the casino's be constructed in real buildings with real foundations capable of withstanding Hurricane conditions.
Many cities go after major companies trying to get them to build in their cities. In What other industry do you say to a major employer we want you to set up shop in our town but you have to place your facility on a floating Barge in area that is likely to be hit by Major Hurricanes. Not many companies would take an offer like that would they?
About the Author
Mike Makler Offers Financial Services (Mortgages,Life Insurance, Annuity) in Florissant Missouri which is in North St. Louis County Missouri Just Across the Bridge from St. Charles Missouri
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