How not to annoy your Twitter Followers | Get more followers

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How not to annoy your Twitter Followers | Get more followers

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PostPosted:31.03.2009, 08:35 Reply with quoteBack to top

How not to annoy your twitter followers:

1. Do not talk politics, unless you are a known political tweeter and people still follow you.
2. Do not tweet about how many followers you have.
3. Do not tweet more than 50 times a day.
4. Do not tweet every thought that crosses your mind.
5. Do not retweet the "Sillyguy has a crazy idea - 15,000 new followers in one day"
6. Do not "sell" only. If every tweet is a sales pitch, you will loose followers.
7. Do not resend the same tweet over and over.
8. Do not curse or insult others.
9. Do not talk about yourself in the 3rd person.
10. Do not send annoying auto Direct messages, if you send one, make it funny.

Extra credit: If you post links, describe them well. "This is cool" is not a good description.
Extra Credit: Do not complain about how slow Twitter is. Some people will be annoyed.


Useful Twitter tools:
Shrinks any URL to 25 character, so you can talk more:
TwitPic, post pics on twitter
Twitter search
To see who follows you back:
Twitter counter, Top 100
Hash Tags: help people find what they are looking for.. use
#quote #joke #poker #casino #earthour #AIG ect
Extra credit: People love to be "retweeted"
Retweet cool stuff. add RT @thepersonsname and then their message.
Example: RT @NoLuckNeeded How to get more followers

Sneaky Unfollowers: &
Useful when you get a lot of followers.
Some people are sneaky and will unfollow you after you follow
them. One guy has done this 4 times to me.
They follow to get you and then unfollow in a few days


« TDTAT » wrote:
Top 10 Twitter Secrets for new Tweeps | Twitter secrets for New Twitter users

Twitter is wonderful, but may be daunting for new users.
Here are a few things I have learned in my first month on Twitter.
If you are a Twitter powerhouse, you probably know all of these things

If you like this article, PLEASE "DIGG" it!

1. How many people can I follow on Twitter? Can I follow everyone?

After you follow your first 2000 at Twitter, you will be
restricted to following 10% above the number who follow you back.
If you have 2000 followers and follow 2000 people, you will not be able to
follow more that 10% above your followers. It is a bad idea
to follow 2000 people your first day or week.

2. What is a tiny URL?
Tiny URL, is just a website site that shrinks a long url, to 25 characters.
This allows you to say more if you are posting a link

3. What are hashtags? Why do I see words with # in them?
Hashtags help you find things on Twitter. If posting a joke,
use #joke at the end. Hashtags are also used by groups to
organize things on twitter. Try #followfriday on Fridays.
There are people right now organizing
"tea partys" on Twitter by using these hashtags: #teaparty #tcot

4. How do I get more Twitter followers?

A good start is to follow the top 200-300 Tweeps who will follow you back.
You will get 200-300 followers by following the names on this list:
Participate in #followfriday. Make a list of tweeps you
like and put them in a message like this:
Great Tweeps for #followfriday @noluckneeded @twitter ect

5. Is everyone real on twitter?

No, there are people who use robots to post things to their accounts
and there are also people who pretend to be someone else such as a famous person.

6. What do I talk about on Twitter?

Talk about anything you want, but the more interesting your tweets are,
the more followers you will get. Reply to other Tweeps questions and
interact to get the most of your Twitter Time.

7. Is Twitter addictive?

Yes, beware. Check TweepsAnon for help

Real 7. What is a Retweet. Why do I see messages with RT
A retweet is when you repost or recycle another person's message.
Many people love to be retweeted. If I post the message "Good Luck",
to retweet do this: RT @noluckneeded "Good Luck"

8. Why do people unfollow me?

This is not always about you. Some Big Tweeps with thousands of
followers use "BOTS" to get more followers and then use
"BOTS" to unfollow people. You could also be tweeting too much
or be offending your tweeps. Some tweeps give you a week
to follow them back, and then unfollow you.

9. Is it rude not to follow someone who is following me?

You follow who you want. If a person's tweets do not interest you,
do not feel obligated to follow back. HOWEVER, you will get more
followers if you follow most people back.

10. How do I ask Twitter a question? What if someone is harassing me?

Submit serious issues to twitter through a help ticket:
Ask "Twitter" daily questions

did not make the top 10, Can I delete my tweets?:
Can I delete a tweet I post? Yes. Scroll your mouse on
the right side of your message on your profile page. See the garbage can?
Click that. click the star to make a post a favorite and to show on
your favorites page.

Common Questions and answers about Twitter can be found here:

This list was brought to you by the real Tweep Chick who chirps from:

Thanks for reading this far. Here is a free background from
the best Twitter background designer:


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