Age: 64 Joined: 21 May 2006 Posts: 1 Likes: 0 0.00 NLN Dollars
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hi every one
well, i am french, it is not a scoop
ii will try to speak in english in the best way i can
if you need some help about little french can ask me
i know that my english is not wonderful, but the french post made with the translator, is in fact an unknown language ! lol
i understand better when you write in english
now congrat Tdat , nice Forum- good idea about several languages
for infos, i understand also the italian,
i go make a turn into the forum
have a good day and a good week end all
buona giornata a tutti
salut et bonne chance à tous
Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104514 Likes: 50273 Location: Gambleville 3491251.10 NLN Dollars
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kristal, WELCOME!!! MERCI!!