Age: 53 Joined: 25 Jun 2009 Posts: 66 Likes: 45 Location: Indiana 950.00 NLN Dollars
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I'm going to start in earning some nln bux by doing what I do best. Stating the brutal honest truth.
tdatty chica? I think after almost 10 years it's time for me to tell you what i've seen from the outside, and also understanding the inside of running a successful online gaming forum.
1) Your site has always been ABSOLUTELY ROCK SOLID cosmetically, this includes being filled with LOTS AND LOTS or member activities, contests, and generous prizes. This coupled with your site being filled to the brim with USEFUL CONTENT makes you in the top 10 of the entire field of gaming forums i've had the pleasure to interact with and have a few chances to interact with the owners & managers such as yourself.
Your ability to cleanly present content to your members without causing the commonly seen visual distortion from lack of method to organization of informations and forum materials is something I ADMIRE VERY MUCH & ALWAYS HAVE. If I had was a billionaire, and wanted to takeover the online gaming forum niche, you would be definitely a person I would pay just about anything for the ability to have your magic worked on one of my sites. I'm sure you are cozy, in fact, I know just about everything about everyone and their level of coziness possessed from well earned hard work and dedication to a pretty accurate understanding from also doing it myself over the last 10 years with only minimal success, but then again, I didn't really try nor spend more than a $1000 out of pocket for my efforts. If I wasn't being careful to not disturb the harmony of all you guys/gals, i'd of been much more reckless and dumped many more 1000s into it, but didn't.
2) I truly respect you also, because when I accidentally posted a link that was specific to one of my sites on here, that, instead of just banning me for life instantly.... You simply removed the post, wrote to me and very politely, clearly, and with impressive diplomacy, just informed me of my error and your policies about the site. You asked me to refrain from it, and still welcomed me to continue participating as a member of your site, and encouraged my enjoyment as being a member in regard to my being a player of online gaming venues. I truly consider that a simple interaction where I learned just about everything I needed to know about you that wasn't obvious from analyzing your site in lieu of my extensive high-tech corporate business knowledge from when I worked start-up companies in silicon valley in the early 90s for the just born wireless industry, still pre-cellphone and not even having any idea what an internet was at that time. I actually was a part of the engineering team,j as a project coordinator, that defined the modern cellular industry/age/consumer trends. The group of engineers were the resulting batch of the most talented in the world that evolved the "electrical engineering" field of work to birth the modern cell phone and wireless communication technology capability that is so engrained in social life today. Their cellular product, being the "millimeter wave radio" sold globally up through 94-95 when I left working the industry as a jr. executive manager at 24 years old, was the device that leapfrogged the entire industry and put everyone out of business by having such a superior product patented that no one could compete any longer. Similarly, the engineers technology for the controlled use of intricately created cellular signals in their product, and it's proprietary superiority to anything every created, was what the cellular phone industry studied/used/purchased the rights to study in favor of developing more sophisticated portable cellular phones. Without their contribution to the science of cellular signal generation with precisely controlled physics/science/chemistry elaboration to be possible as a controllable force such that it conformed to FCC standards of radiation emissions and signal stability so that it did not vary from it's described and assiged frequencies licensed by the FCC and their global constituents worldwide doing the same in other countries. Until the group I worked with, it was only theoretically possible, and no one had any clue how to do it yet. The evolution from it being a hypothesis and theory that was possible statistically and mathematically possible, and then to become a real/tangible/touchable/definable/patentable and commercially distributable product for profit happened right before my eyes. It actually had for the most part happened during my career out of high school through various very early wireless industry product efforts I worked as procurement lead buyer with expertise in materials management. The very very very small group of engineers and executives that worked this niche I was lucky enough to witness working the magic of doing the impossible as if it was like pouring a glass of water essentially. This included a company I worked where we competed with Motorola for the market of a primitive pcmcia card that acted with cellular capablility to send point to point text messages of up to a sentence or two of text through a pager/beeper company of the likes of back then SkyPager and a few others, to arrive to another pcmcia device or text capable pager. It depended on the industrial beeper/pager industry though, because they were the chapparones still of the technology awaiting the next generation to emerge. We did not win the battle with motorola, but for a company of 12 employees total or so, and having in 1991 a radical move of having a female CEO in authority, we held our own against the more than 100,000 times as bit Goliath Motorola to us. We were just a venture capitalist backed venture by some very special visionaries wielding their millions of dollars in faith to us of creating something of this technology worthy of their investments. She not only was female, but was also backed by a President, CFO, and supporting cast of VERY HEAVY HITTERS. These were no novice people I worked with and for, as they shaped me into later becoming a highly successful jr. executive that started in the warehouse out of high school, and ended working under a Vice President's hall of fame Director of Engineering Services which was not only engineering development, but also the non-technical employees doing project management, AND everything else to do with the Engineering portion of their product's development (this included CAD drafting, cost, materials, procurement, ISO 9000 considerations, etc....) There were only two people above him whom I worked for until the top of our companies rank and order arrived to the CEO's desk. Speaking of which, even though only really getting to know from afar, the CEO was an incredible business man that relied not on brutality and cruelty as motivating force, but acted as a strict guide for all to bring us to success by not only being the correct leader of the group, but being a man that I believe did not get paid a salary until the company went public on the stock exchange in 1993 with their IPO. On the day the stock market opened that day, our stock started at $15 a share. He was announced by all that were the blood and guts from the beginning of the company about 4 years before to be at that moment "The Six Million Dollar Man" because that was what his stock options were worth. After that day, the stock rose and split at least twice, and the company was automated by my step-father to solidify it's financial prowess, this speculatively left the CEO a calculated payout by my numbers a likely paycheck of between 50 to 200 million dollars when he cashed out his stock prior to the company maturing into a corporate entity in the background, no longer anything to prove. The revolutionaries that birthed the company, while all scarred from giving birth, and dealing with an early 20s aged prodigy like myself that couldn't be bullshitted by the most skillful con put on by any salesperson/engineer/accountant/manager, well.... let's just say they are not the type of people that would ever want historical recognition for their contribution to computer science via the cellular applications area, ALL DESERVE THE MOST HIGH RESPECT AS ELDERS OF THE GREATEST TALENT AND PATIENCE. Especially considering that they in lieu of all this found time to nurture my knowledge and business skills further enhanced to a state of passing real-world adolescence and puberty prior to attending college. I earned it though, I had to show up every day, and every day I had to continue to justify my existence to all, as to why I was allowed such high level work and responsibility when hypothetically it wasn't possible for me to be mature enough, nor educated enough to do the work. I was capable though, and did produce in crunch time for them ANY TIME THEY REQUIRED happily. This was to the point where... if they would of asked me to go to a corporate constituent and do something that may of seemed unorthodox and possibly risky or illegal, I would of done it despite anything, even if it would of landed me in prison for 10 years, I would of still done it. They had my respect that much. They never did that, but that was how much of a trust bond was between us in reliance to pursue each milestone progressing toward success and establishing why our CEO and Engineering team were indeed the cream of the crop, and the only ones that could of done the job anyway. It might have been 10+ years afterward whereupon the work they completed by 1993 (being 2003), may have even been put forth into agenda to assemble engineering team to work to create as a matter of the computer age depending on it at that point to eventually succeed to the point where we are today.
So, in summary Tdeetly ditty daddy, I have my own list in my mind, that will never go on paper of whom in this realm, online gaming, that are genuinely part of the nurturing essence bringing us to the sophisticated and advanced state we are now in the online gaming industry. Think about it hon.... you've all (and me too), HAVE COME A LONG LONG WAY in the past decade. I know who all of you are, and have witnessed myself all of your majestic contributions in various forms and dedication, CLEAR CONTRIBUTIONS via caring beyond money about what they were doing. So, with all of our secrets safe, I have cancer treatment to finish undergoing. My chemotherapy starting in few weeks for colon and liver cancer surgeries i've undergone since beginning of this year. I wanted to leave something special for my etched in stone TOP 10 favorites that were present before me long before the crowds started trying to buy their way into the industry for only purpose of rumors of EASY QUICK MONEY, all obtained upon the nature of people being sucker addict gamblers, and all they had to do was foot the cash to provide the dope.
When I return though, i've got some money set aside, and i'm going to further this lecture by showing all of you, without identifying or naming, my own evolved site placed within your hard work as a product of my studying and learning from all of you. I've basically done not much more than eat/sleep/drink online gaming for last 10 years at least 8 hours a day. I've logged within my niche and to be whuppin stick when i'm back.... ALMOST 1.5 million hands of video poker (this includes each double up round as hand in numbers), my average bet was quantified around 700 thousand hands at one very special online venue. They gave me my statistics of that point having 700k hands played around the 5 year point of my studies, but also to my surprise... an average bet of well over $7 per hand on average for the 700k hands played. I'll tell ya too, I mostly played dime/quarter/50cent coin's by 5 coins per hand for all of it. only about 1% was played at $1 by 5 coins or higher. at 50cent denomination maybe about 15% was played. and the rest was nickel/dime/quarter denomination rounds of video poker by 5 coins. Let's just say i'm kind of a double up fiend. Anyone who knows me personally enough to witness my double-up activity used to label me... "Gonads of Granite", or essentially, modern royalty perhaps unmatched in the world for my success doubling up. I've attached a few of my screenshots I oddly kept for some strange reason. I've had dozens and dozens of wins comparable or at least half comparable to these two screenshots of me on RTG video poker.
One of these screenshots is me doubling up 50 cents by 5 coins, on a 3 of a kind win, all the way up to a $1920 win upon which I clicked the collect button successfully. The other was in the same night where I doubled up the same hand to $960 and clicked collect successfully. I have such a handle on chewing the ass of the RTP at any casino via my mentally tracked trends of highs and lows in payouts, that I could of at quite a few points sent some very naughty little boys to prison for a very long time for not playing nicely with the group and getting greedy just a bit too much. I ended up having to bail them out though by establishing other presence of security threats that justified the danger of security vulnerabilities to a player's safety warranting being very cautious about it, and carefullly studying and analyzing before finally correcting recently. Thank you gang... muah, kisses.... filth flarin filth flarin argh...!!!!! (geezus your mothers must of been so frustrated with all of you, geez.. how all of you didn't end up in politics i'll never know.... roflmao.)
I bid you all adieu for now, as i'm gonna be on at least a year's hiatus of chemotherapy. When I get back though, all of the hard workers that actually thought through their work, are going to have a gift from me in form of a place created for them to go that will moderate and manage subject matter and discussion of contemporary issues pertaining to the leadership aspects of what has happened in last 10 years, and even further back if we add in our "first transgender on the moon"..... Intertops. They dove in way before anyone dared to risk their wallets on this new and upcoming venue. If I were all of you, i'd get on over to Intertops and start making your poker accounts get real active. I think it's pathetic how such a generous and caring leader in this industry as Intertops, has such a barely populated poker room. I myself any time I get a big win jump on over there and throww down $500 bucks or more into at least $2/$4 ring games, and buy into a few $20+ tourneys. Ya know what? Every time I do, I join a table around that level finding that above 1/2 dollars... THERE ARE ZERO ACTIVE PLAYERS? However, I just join a table, wait for people to notice, and every time within 20 minutes we have at least 6 to play with ample bankrolls to have a great time, well until the bankroll is gone, but I enjoy it every time it happens. Sheesh, getting back to my point... it's pathetic how such a GENEROUS, GIVING, NURTURING, RELIABLE, STABLE, SECURE, AND PIONEERING group as intertops has been seemingly cast aside for "eye candy and bullshit" because the human mind is falling for the jedi mind trick currently.
THANK YOU ALL FOR HAVING ME AND LETTING ME MEET ALL OF YOU PERSONALLY, I'LL BE BACK! Not just because I like it here, but i've got a little getting even for the little brother noogies and beatings a plenty i've endured... lol. 90% the fun of living on the edge, is GETTING EVEN without turning into a pathetically obsessed tyrant that couldn't handle that they were bullied as a kid. Simply because they were truly weak in youth and deserved it will never be a good enough reason for using power over people as their way of bullying cuz they never learned how to defend themselves. muhuwahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104844 Likes: 50696 Location: Gambleville 3545501.10 NLN Dollars
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uhdunno, Thank you for the kind words! They truly mean a lot to me. I wish you good luck and look forward to seeing you soon.
Age: 64 Joined: 16 Jun 2018 Posts: 10 Likes: 18 46658.00 NLN Dollars
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hi ! i am not to well understand : have i to post here to be able to participate at this constest ? I Do it and then no problem
thanks for your constest !!!