Crap fight

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Crap fight
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PostPosted:15.11.2024, 23:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

Metaphorbman for commente, washed up actress too- at least RRJr a real fighter

A whored fight

From Walmart to prime drink to draft kings

I’d bet 5-1 the big fight here is a draw

Just to draw in these young people that have no idea of the golden ages of boxing
Hagler Hearns Hagler Leonard- I saw those
Real fights that made you love the warriors
Now it’s just a giant commercial
Hipsters think it’s cool
Boxing fans think this whole thing is a joke

Netflix is as bad in boxing as Prime is in football

Showtime and HBO had real fight commented by real fighters

This is unfortunately a joke

Like I said 5-1 it’s a draw

Money washing sponsers, and money to bring in viewer money

This fight, these commentators, these sponsers

What has this warrior sport become? A perversion of the real sport

Only 8 rounds

Tyson was then best fighter I ever saw

He’s using the Hurry cane now, but he’s the strongest man I’ve ever seen fight ever

May just want a payday, but it’s fun to watch

There better be a real decision
If not it’s taps for real boxing

I wish this was a fight that networks knew how to produce it

Netflix is sad

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PostPosted:16.11.2024, 04:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

Do not bet on that kind of thing. It's all a joke, can't believe people are watching. The dude gonna fight a 90 year old next? It's like fake reality tv and wrestling mixed. That crap is not a sport, it's reality tv. It's close to scripted. Fake Garbage.

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