Congress Needs Input on Internet Gambling Bill

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Congress Needs Input on Internet Gambling Bill

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PostPosted:17.05.2009, 06:51 Reply with quoteBack to top

Congress Needs Input on Internet Gambling Bill

With Barney Frank set to introduce a bill to force the striking of the UIGEA and license Internet gambling sites, gaming opponents are organizing their troops to start a massive lobbying campaign. Social conservatives and right-wing religious groups are expected to deluge legislators with messages attacking the online gambling measure.

The website for Focus on the Family urges readers to call and write Congressmen, pleading for the retention of the problematic Internet gaming ban. And a spokesman for the Christian Coalition acknowledges pushing followers to be the squeaky wheel.

Michele Combs says the Coalition is preparing a "massive campaign" to overrun Congress with a well-organized minority movement. She says of gambling, "We’re not saying people shouldn’t go to Las Vegas. But when it’s in your home, it’s too easy. It breaks up families.”

Sherman Bradley of OCA says normal citizens have to speak up, or be shouted down by zealots who try to make enough noise to be seen as representing a significant part of the population.

"Every poker player, neighborhood guy who likes to bet a ballgame now and then, or just freedom loving resident of the US who happens to want government to mind its own business should let their elected officials know how they feel."

Bradley says the deadliest enemy of freedom is complacency. "Only standing up and being counted will show Congress which way the nation truly feels about online gambling, and the larger issue of personal freedom

Last edited by TDTAT on 28.05.2009, 14:05; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted:17.05.2009, 11:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

Maybe someone could post the email address for Congress again or our
legislaters. I wrote the last time that info was posted to my Congressman.
I live in Arkansas, very religeous state, after 15 years of living here
were finally getting a lottery !! Every state around us has Casinos, but
Arkansas is still debating. It's funny how many church goers you
see at the casinos....hmmmm Stand up forum and fight the guys in the
chairs making decisions that are ours to make !!

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PostPosted:17.05.2009, 12:53 Reply with quoteBack to top

« Cootsoup » wrote:
Every state around us has Casinos, but
Arkansas is still debating. It's funny how many church goers you
see at the casinos....hmmmm Stand up forum and fight the guys in the
chairs making decisions that are ours to make !!

Cootsoup I agree with you! I am from Oklahoma and just a few years back we got our lottery and it has generated so much money for our state and education. I think it was around that same time they finally legalized tattoos in Oklahoma...the wonderful "Bible Belt"

I live in a small town about an hour east of Oklahoma City and there are at least 9 tribal casinos within a 50 mile radius...and 4 within a 20 mile radius....I have seen people of all sorts there gambling...its a crazy world...but people do have voices...we just need our voices heard!!!

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PostPosted:20.05.2009, 06:46 Reply with quoteBack to top

Use this link and enter your zip code to contact your represenatives in Congress:


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