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PostPosted:06.05.2008, 21:39 Reply with quoteBack to top

skullhed, what beautiful kitties!!!
Thanks for posting them Very Happy !!!

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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 00:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

# 1 is my pick.
CONGRATS ON YOUR WIN, VOODOO. Wish you many more.

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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 02:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

WOW way to go!!! ENjoy spending all that money!

Ill pick number 3

Good Luck!!

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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 03:06 Reply with quoteBack to top

Love It awww wow you guys thanks! They are my babies Icon_syda the big guy is Jimmy, aka huggybunns or sugarlumps he is the sweetest puddy cat I ever met, just a big-ass momma bear as gentle as heck.
I stole him from the pound when he was a baby. At the time I was helping an older lady whos husband had passed away take care of her house and yard b/c you know she just wasn't able to do it. anyway, she had all these cans of wet dog food that she was gonna just throw away, so I thought it would be better to donate to the dogs in the pound and when I go in there I just can't get away w/o looking at the kitties, even tho it breaks my heart every time..
Well it was spring and the place was quite full up w/ adorable baby kittens, a batch in every other cage that being so a lot of them would probably be adopted. One cage tho- held only one scruffy looking scared lil' kitten cowering back as far away as he could from the front of his cage and that was it for me lol I opened the cage and when he saw I was reaching for him I could see he was so scared but as soon as I held him up to my chest and cooed at him "ohhh it's ok your ok" he just began to cling up to me. He was sooo small, some of his fur real long some short and just all kinds of scruffy looking. I noticed his lil' whiskers were all pretty much cut off and he had a blue masking-tape looking collar around his neck w/ a long number written on it. I thought maybe it was a quarantine tag or something meaning he was headed for you know ...doomsday the bad sleep.
And that's when I realised just what I'd gotten myself into, and I'm thinking ohhh man oh damn man, am I? oh hellll... am I really?? I am... oh shoot." I'm looking around the room for cameras and thinking "man if I get caught what then? shit! don't get caught don't get in trouble" lol I wussed out for a second and put him back in the cage and when I did he put up his hands and tried to stop himself from having to go back in there. Well that was all I could possibly take so I thought " ok I don't even care how much trouble I might get into I have to do it" so I opened the cage again and this time he ran right to me and I swooped him up in one hand, slipped the sleeve of my hoodie over his head and his bum cradled by my hand concealed by my hoods pocket. I even grabbed the tag thing off the cage he was in leaving no trace behind in hopes nobody would notice right off that he'd disappeared.
My friend had been in the car waiting on me and when I got in the car she asked" WTF?? lol what are you doing? what do you got??? I was so freaked out I was shaking and I told her just go man! JUST DRIVE!! lol lol
Well it's been 6 or 7 years now and Jimmy and me have a bond between us that is special like you would not believe. I think he has always been very grateful I helped him bust outta there that day lol and he's always there for me in those times of darkness, to put a smile back on my face. if I start to cry he does the sweetest thing honestly every time he does the same thing, he'll come over and when I let him onto my lap he will look so concerned and put one of his paws on my cheek. He really goes out of his way to let me know he loves me
The lil' girl is Punkin' she's full grown but so tiny. she's a lil' prancing cuddle machine, and she just loves to be talked to and told that she's pretty lol. We got her b/c I was going to be away from home for a good while and I was worried about Jimmy being lonely while I was away b/c he doesn't trust or isn't comfortable with other ppl like he is w/ me so we got him a kitten before I left, and he loves her so much, as you can see.

Thanks for reading, I like telling that story.
sorry so big and wordy Embarassed

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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 04:37 Reply with quoteBack to top

Cute, skullhead!!

Very Happy I enjoyed reading it!

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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 07:45 Reply with quoteBack to top

i pick smiley number 1 thank you Cool
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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 10:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

skullhed,I REALLY enjoyed the kitty story as well. I have 9 kitties myself and I love them all as you do yours. Cats are the best. I love ALL animals and would love to have two of each,but they are very exspensive to deflea and feed and those vet trips are out of this world...So I have my 9 kitties to love and care for. Thanks again for your story loved every word and your pics are oh sooooooo cute. Your kittie loven friend kttyfn011 Laughing
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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 10:24 Reply with quoteBack to top

Wow Skull, what a sweet story. I never had cats growing up, only dogs. Then I married a husband that has asthma. Well cats were out of the question. Well, over the years I have ruined him, he will do as much as I will to save an animal.

Letting some strays sleep in the basement a couple of years ago (mostly his idea), and 3 years later, we have 3 beauties that even he considers our kids. My friend once said, anyone who doesn't like cats has never known one. Let me tell ya'........how true!!!!!!! Yes they are different from dogs but they have their way of showing affection.

When I've had a bad day, I come home and cuddle with them. I consider them a gift from God for doing a good deed. I love them to death and can't keep my hands off of them. And thank God one of my good friends at work understands because she listens to me talk about them like they were my kids (which of course they are).

Anyway, I always seem to ramble when I talk about them so sorry everyone!!!!!

Skull, you did a wonderful thing saving that kitty, and he rewards you with his love Wink

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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 11:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

RGALP, it's not rambling.....

Very Happy It is passion!

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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 11:22 Reply with quoteBack to top

I pick smilie #4, thats me.

Thank you runspot

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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 11:47 Reply with quoteBack to top

Ya' know what Voodoo, you are absolutely right.........
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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 12:02 Reply with quoteBack to top

RGLAP nothing is more comforting and warm than a cat! I have a dog and a cat (mother to be at any moment). Love them both dearly but cats our my favorite. Mine showed up on Halloween, went to the door for trick or treaters, turned around and there she stood in my living room next to my dog!!! We checked and no one claimed her. What makes her special is Halloween was the last night we had with our son who was killed in a car accident 9 years ago. He had red hair! This cat is a grey tabby and has the orange red coloring on her head. My other kids concern her a gift from Paul, to remind us that he is with us!!!
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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 12:43 Reply with quoteBack to top

I have a really mean cat.. you guys are lucky!! Icon_pray

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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 12:47 Reply with quoteBack to top

Gee mthunker, that's eerie, I would feel the same way. That kitty was meant to be at your door.

Especially to come right in and stand near your dog....definitely a sign from above.

And one more thing, wait until you see those babies. I was like a new mother myself when I had all the kittens around the house. It brought me such happiness, I am not sorry for one minute of those "13" kittens we had.

Try to post a pick when she has the babies.

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PostPosted:07.05.2008, 12:47 Reply with quoteBack to top

lol TDTAT.. we have two dauschunds.(?) one likes cats the other does not..which bites seeing how my baby girl wants a kitty..lol
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