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CLOSED Top Chef Contest #2! 2 Winners slotmom & Corabets

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CLOSED Top Chef Contest #2! 2 Winners slotmom & Corabets

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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 07:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

Congrats 2 winners!
$25: slotmom
$25: Corabets

Send me your Quicktender accounts to be paid

Contest Closed, thanks for all the great recipes!

$25 CASH Recipe Contest #2
Concours a gagner 25$ CASH

*TOP CHEF Contest #2* NO Deposit Required

Post: your favorite food or drink recipe to enter!
Postez: votre recette préférée de boissons
ou de nourriture pour écrire le concours

$25 Winner (USD) announced September 15 th
gagnant 15.09

$25 CASH Winner paid by Quicktender
or transfer to Your NETSPEND Visa
This was my favorite contest, so we are
running it again!!

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Last edited by TDTAT on 10.09.2007, 13:30; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 07:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

This is one recipe my daughter and I got from some internet recipe site The kids love to create their own mini size pizza of their own you can do this buy either quartering or halving the dough to make individual sizes

The Kitchen Sink Special

2 loaves frozen bread dough
1 cup pizza sauce
1/2 lb. ground round
1 Tbsp. Italian seasoning
1 package pepperoni, Canadian bacon or chicken
1 1/4 cup of each: onions, black olives, green and red bell pepper, fresh mushrooms
8 oz. package mozzarella cheese
whatever you like will and can be added its everything including the kitchen sink LOL

Place bread dough on a large greased pizza pan. Cover with flour cloth and let rise. With greased fingers spread dough out to fit pan and make a ridge at the edges. If using ground round, brown and drain. Spread pizza sauce over entire surface of dough and bake for five minutes until dough begins to rise but is still soft. Add each ingredient, one at a time, beginning with the meat (chicken, ground round, bacon or pepperoni). Top pizza with the cheese and bake at 375° F until edges are brown and cheese is melted.

Serves 6.

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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 07:25 Reply with quoteBack to top

You will not believe how good this tate just like a apple pie but no apples in it

Zucchini Apple Pie

8 cups sliced zucchini like apple slices
2/3 cups lemon juice
*cook in pot till tender and clear
*Then add
1 cup sugar
1/2 teasp. nutmeg
1teasp. cinnamon
*simmer together just a little longer
*remove from heat

4 cups flour
2Cups sugar
1 1/2 cups cold butter
1/2 teasp. salt

*mix together until crumbly
*pat half of mixture into a bottom of a 11x15 pan

*Take remaining part and divide again in half
*put one part into zucchini mixture and mix well
*pour that over top of crust **I made sure I patted
some of the crust up the sides too*

*now take other part and mix 1teasp. cinnamon in it
sprinkle over top and bake 375 for 30 min. yum yum

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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 08:40 Reply with quoteBack to top

Laughing Laughing bonjour a tous voici un petit coktail pour l'apperitif

je suis de la champagne alors voici

la soupe champenoise
pour 4 personnes
une bouteille de champagne
une louche de sirop de canne
une louche de jus de citron(ou pour ceux qui connaisse du pulco au citron)
une louche de cointreau
bien remuer
et au moment de servir une poignee de gloçons

bon apperot a vous Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

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Vanilla Wafer Cake
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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 09:11 Reply with quoteBack to top

2 sticks butter , softened
2 c. sugar
2 c. coconut
2 c. chopped pecans
6 eggs
1/2 c. milk
15 oz. vanilla wafers , crushed

Cream butter and sugar; add 1 egg at a time. Add milk and coconut and nuts. Add crushed wafers. Bake 1 1/2 hours in ungreased tube pan at 300F.

This is the most awesome bad easy killer dessert ever. It falls somewhere between cookie and candy. Wish I could package it.


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Real Fish...........
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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 10:24 Reply with quoteBack to top

Most people try to cover the real taste of natures wonder that being the fish. Take your favorite fresh water fish you catch fillet it and soak the fillets in salt water for a few hours then prepare a plastic sealable bag with plain flour and add salt and pepper to your desired taste then remove the fillets and put them in the flour bag and shake till there totally covered with the flour and salt and pepper. Fry them in a skillet filled with hot vegetable oil till there golden brown remove and place on a slice of buttered bread topped with fresh tomatoe and you have a feast fit for a king. "don't forget to chase it with your favorite cold beverage what ever that may be........... Laughing
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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 10:28 Reply with quoteBack to top

oh no time to gain some weight again with all the great recipes!!!!!Image
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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 11:27 Reply with quoteBack to top

This is really good, compliments everytime I prepare it.

Chicken Wing Appetizers

3 pounds small chicken wings, about 15

1/2 cup brown sugar

3 Tablespoons cornstarch

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon ground ginger, or 1 Tablespoon grated fresh ginger

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

3/4 cup water

Juice of 2 lemons

1/4 cup soy sauce

1-1/2 teaspoons dry mustard

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place aluminum foil over a broiler pan and grease it lightly.

Remove the tips from the chicken wings (you can freeze these to use for making chicken broth). Cut each wing in half by cutting through the joint with a sharp knife. Wash the chicken piece under cold, running water. Place the chicken wings in a single layer on the prepared pan and place the pan in the center of your oven. Bake for 30 minutes, turning once.

While chicken is baking, mix together the sugar, cornstarch, salt, and spices in a small saucepan. Add the water, lemon juice and soy sauce. Cook this mixture, stirring very often over medium high heat until mixture thickens and turns transparent.

Either dip the chicken wings into the sauce, or brush the sauce on the wings. Return the wings to the oven and continue baking, brushing the sauce on or dipping the sauce one more time, for 40 minutes.

Remove from the oven and serve hot.

You can also use this recipe for a main meat dish. You can also use other chicken parts as well.

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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 11:53 Reply with quoteBack to top

OMGGGGGGG these all sound so good!! Icon_pray

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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 12:25 Reply with quoteBack to top

This is a very simple recipe that I have been whipping up for years. Each time I serve it to someone new I print up recipe cards before hand as I have never served it that half the people present didn't request the recipe! Y'all are going to love this, you cheese lovers anyway!
In the states you MUST use CABOTS cheese. The recipe is no good without it! This entire recipe is to taste, so the ammount of ingrediants you use will depend on your own tastebuds. When the recipe is complete it will have the consistancy of a dip. You must use a YELLOW onion. It isn't as good with other types.
1 block of CABOTS X-TRA SHARP chedder cheese
1 yellow onion
HELMANS mayonaise
pepper (avoid fresh ground, and use the stuff right out of the can)
Use a food processor on the cheese
chop the onion Shocked
mix together with lots of pepper and as much mayo as you need to keep it at a dip consistancy.
Chill, but let sit out to again, a dip consistancy.
Serve with veggies, crackers, fruit, I have even seen people spoon it onto their plates and eat it that way! Oh man, now that I have talked about it my mouth is watering for it! I am going to have to go make some. Prep time if you have a food processor is about ten min. Without, it takes as long to prepare as it takes you to chop the dang cheese. I have made it this way also, time consuming but worth every bit of work! Enjoy! by the way when you do give out the recipe people are going to want to know why you didn't include garlic in the list of ingrediants. You can definatly taste the garlic, but there's no garlic in it! You've got to try this! Shocked

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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 13:08 Reply with quoteBack to top

Here is my recipe for Coq au Vin

3-chiken breasts deboned and skin removed
3 cups-blush wine
1/4 cup-soy sauce
2 tbls-olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup-pearl onions
2-chopped carrots

Combine all liquid ingredients together. Add salt and pepper.
Marinate the chicken in the liqiud for about two hrs.
I always poke holes in the chicken with a fork so the marinade can work its way into the chicken.
After the two hrs are up, place chicken breasts in a baking dish. Do not use the marinade the chicken was in for the next part. Pour a little more fresh wine over top of them.
Add the onions and carrots and soak them in the wine as well.
Cover and bake at 375 for about an hr or untill chicken is all white inside.

This dish is yummy and very easy to make.

hmm now im starving.... I think I will have to try out one these new recipes that you guys have posted. They all sound great! :-)

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garlic chicken spaghetti
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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 16:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

1 garlic clove
3 cups diced chicken
1 onion
1 pkg.of butter
1 cup italian dressing
saltae onion garlic butter in a frying pan until moist addd chicken until done add your dressing until it simmers pour over your favorite pasta mmm mmm good Very Happy nima2

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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 16:55 Reply with quoteBack to top

I call this Southern Boys Super Simple Supper! It's Soooo easy! Fire up some charcoal on the grill(not gas). After 30 Minutes, and the coals have a grey ash they're ready. Now comes the easy part! Rip the wrapper off a case of Oscar Mayer all beef hot dogs-grill the dogs till golden brown, toss 'em on a bun, with your choice of condiments- tap a keg of Budweiser, and ENJOY!!
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top chef contest #2
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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 17:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

JUNGLE JUICE!!!!! Laughing
1 L Everclear® alcohol
5.25 L (3 1.75L bottles) vodka
1 bottle peach schnapps
1 pint Bacardi® 151 rum
1 bottle 99 Apples® apple schnapps
10 L Sprite® soda
1 L Sunny Delight® orange juice
1 L triple sec
1.75 L bottle gin
1 bottle DeKuyper® Sour Apple Pucker schnapps
4 bottles Boone's Farm® Strawberry Hill wine
8 L Hawaiian Punch®
2 containers orange juice concentrate
fruit (as much as desired)

Use a large container ie. ice chest or similar. Allow the fruit to soak in all the alcohol for about 4 - 12 hours. Add all the juice and let sit overnight. Serve the next day.

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Re: top chef contest #2

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PostPosted:25.08.2007, 17:44 Reply with quoteBack to top

« sukondeez » wrote:
JUNGLE JUICE!!!!! Laughing
1 L Everclear® alcohol
5.25 L (3 1.75L bottles) vodka
1 bottle peach schnapps
1 pint Bacardi® 151 rum
1 bottle 99 Apples® apple schnapps
10 L Sprite® soda
1 L Sunny Delight® orange juice
1 L triple sec
1.75 L bottle gin
1 bottle DeKuyper® Sour Apple Pucker schnapps
4 bottles Boone's Farm® Strawberry Hill wine
8 L Hawaiian Punch®
2 containers orange juice concentrate
fruit (as much as desired)

Use a large container ie. ice chest or similar. Allow the fruit to soak in all the alcohol for about 4 - 12 hours. Add all the juice and let sit overnight. Serve the next day.

Shocked Shocked Oh lord.. this could get my whole town smashed!! Laughing


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