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lol are you serious heh that would be insane. i guess your betting over big time hehe the o/u is 53 on the game i guess 94 isnt impossible but that would be huge like 54-42 dosent sound impossible if u look at it that way. hehe god patriots anyways i hope the pats score 100 on the giants, but the giants will have to score a bare minimum of 30 to stay in the game with the pats because we all know they are going to score a lot I think Tom Brady will by MVP or possible Randy Moss 11 rec, 134 yards, 3td heh Moss is my all time favorite WR next to Michael Irvin of course
ldyhaythe if the score is 33 we will tie on this contest I hope we do win LOL
The first poster would win.. so if you notice
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