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PostPosted:27.10.2009, 20:58 Reply with quoteBack to top

« TDTAT » wrote:
jovida, We will count the last one as your entry! Good Luck Kewl Pics
Thank you TDTAT for editing and the comment on the pics.

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PostPosted:27.10.2009, 21:11 Reply with quoteBack to top

UFO ( Real or Hoax)? ....

Expired Link. Check out our Casino Bonus Forum for a list of current bonuses.

sorry, wasn't sure if you could embed a video here or how to do it. Scared the bejesus out of me!

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PostPosted:28.10.2009, 00:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

I grew up in a haunted house. Really, truly haunted. You could hear footsteps when no one was in the house. One day my cousin and I were sitting around outside in the yard. We heard someone in the kitchen washing dishes and putting them in the drainrack. Problem was, there was no one in the house. My Mom was outside also. We went inside and of course, no dishes in the drainer. Just a little history, the original house was the house that my grandmother was born in so it was quit old. When my dad sold the farm, the new owner was going to let some of his ranch hands live in it. They lasted one night and he burned the house down.

But the scariest thing were the lights. There were the very bright orange glowing orbs that you could see at times. One time my late husband and I were out at the farm pretty late at night and one showed up. Just kinda hovered about the length of a football field away from us. Scared the bejesus out of me. But just in case you think I'm nuts, when they were drilling the first oil well out on the place, they couldn't keep evening tower workers cause the lights got after them too.

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PostPosted:28.10.2009, 02:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

This is a very scarrrry event in my life. I had volenteered to assist my 94 year old grandmother sew some new curtains for her bay window. I must add that her eyesight is less than perfect to say the least.

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PostPosted:28.10.2009, 02:30 Reply with quoteBack to top



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PostPosted:28.10.2009, 05:17 Reply with quoteBack to top

maybe this time, I will hit the jackpot

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PostPosted:28.10.2009, 05:22 Reply with quoteBack to top

maybe this time, I will hit the jackpot

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PostPosted:28.10.2009, 05:26 Reply with quoteBack to top

maybe this time, I will hit the jackpot

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PostPosted:28.10.2009, 05:34 Reply with quoteBack to top

maybenexttime777, Scary pics, but This is a one entry only contest, so only your first post will count unless you delete all but the pic you want to enter. Good Luck

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PostPosted:28.10.2009, 09:52 Reply with quoteBack to top

another true life story
we own some property in berkley springs west virginia
and when i was about 8 years old (19 years ago)
we went up for our annual halloween time visit
except this time we decided to be up there for halloween night
the property is extremely old and no one would buy it from the time the old house mysteriously burned down killing the entire family who lived there in the early 1900's untill my dad(who pasted away in 1992) decided it was a good deal and he had a hard time turning down good deals Wink
the property was use only for camping and the house(what was left of it) and the barns were in the same condition as they were left
there is no running water or electricity up there and in order to get to the area where or camper was we had to cross a small creek and then head up a dirt trail about a half of a mile ,if the creek was flooded there was no way to cross because there was no bridge,every time we went up there it was pretty scary at night time knowing that if something happened our only means of escape was running a 1/2 mile in the dark and across the creek also cell phones dont get any reception up there so that would be no help at all.local towns people tell of a ghost that resides there named john cain(my fathers name was also john) john cain was the farmer who lived in the house with his family and was supposedly sighted several times walking the land after the fire and was presumed dead even though they never found his remains in the fire with the rest of his family,some say he was never in the house and was the one who burned it down and some think he just never moved on to the afterlife.so we went up me and my sister and brother with my mom and my aunt telling ghost stories and we took our carved pumkins and halloween stuff my dad said he had to work late and wasnt feeling well so he couldnt join us this time. Crying or Very Sad by the way back in the day people used to be buried and have their families buried on their own land so the entire cain family has a on property graveyard where they were all buried and there was even a marker for the mysterious john cain.anywho long story short my sister who was about 12 decided she wanted to make a haunted trail to scare us all on halloween day she made the trail and we also had a hoopty of a golf cart that we rode aound on sometimes so when it got dark me my brother my aunt and my mom got on the golf cart and rode down where patty said the trail was my mom almost had a heart attack when we drove through it .it was very scary and designed very well i must say however patty had ripped the tombstones up from the graveyard Shocked and turned them backwards and wrote on them in fake blood R.I.P Jason freddy the headless horsemen all the halloween favorites since she was just a kid she really didnt know any better but my mom told her to clean them off and put them back exactly the way she found them and she did however all night long my mom and aunt teased her that she had angered the dead and that they would surely come looking for her since she basically destroyed thier tombstones it kept the ghost stories going all night long and none of us could sleep my mom and aunt were so convincing and i think that is because they may have actually believed themselves about the ghosts they spoke of Rolling Eyes .well it got close to midnight as we all sat in the camper(very small trailer we slept in at night) and the spooky stories continued and just as they were busy telling patty how the ghosts would probly come that night after her we heard footsteps and noises outside the camper. then we heard very loud growling noises that got closer and louder untill it was right outside the window. all the sudden the whole trailer began to shake violently and my mom and aunt were so scared my mom said to my aunt it is probly a bear and just keep quiet and still and we turned out the lantern inside and they sat in the corner with alll of us shaking and scared to death. all the sudden the shaking and growling had stopped and the camper door swung open and all i could see was MY DAD GROWLING WITH A FLASHLIGHT UP TO HIS FACE. Very Happy Very Happy Razz that was the scariest thing that i ever experienced and i am pretty sure that everyone else would say the same thing i thought we were all done for because of my sister disturbing the graves Wink well needless to say i didnt sleep all night and once my dad was there i felt alot safer but i kept peeking out the window all night to make sure there was nothing else out there but every time i looked out i would see shadows passing by the light of the small campfire that was still smoldering and i would take my flashlight and shine it out the window of the camper over to the old house Arrow and several times i swear i saw a translucent like figure of a man in a straw hat and glowing red eyes in the window of the house every time i looked it was there.i never said a word to anyone because i figured they wouldnt believe me anyhow and i was hoping it would just go away nothing ever happened but it was the scariest night of my life it could have also been my young mind playing tricks on me Razz Twisted Evil Twisted Evil HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!
Last edited by nathan1234 on 28.10.2009, 10:05; edited 6 times in total
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PostPosted:28.10.2009, 09:55 Reply with quoteBack to top

gxrgirl- I am terrified of sharks so if the contest was up to me you would definately be the winner Shocked Thumbup

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PostPosted:29.10.2009, 16:02 Reply with quoteBack to top

This contest closes in a few days! Twisted Evil

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PostPosted:29.10.2009, 16:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

:twisted:happy halloween Twisted Evil Evil or Very Mad
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PostPosted:29.10.2009, 21:34 Reply with quoteBack to top

this is a true story
when i was 16 was on a date with bf we went parking at this dead end my brother was with me we were standing around outside the car talking and heard a woman screaming in the woods also chanting and then we saw looked like a fire
woman just kept screaching
we dicided to leave and when we did there was a cross carved into a tree nearby didn t see it when we came in
found out later that it was devil worshippers sacrificing animals also they were kidnapping red haired children under age 6 later they got caught but there are still alot of them where i used to live

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PostPosted:29.10.2009, 22:25 Reply with quoteBack to top

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