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Age: 43 Joined: 29 Jun 2005 Posts: 319 Likes: 7 Location: Texarkana,Texas 5979.00 NLN Dollars
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1 different from the ordinary in a way that causes curiosity or suspicion<the strange smell weʼd noticed turned out, unhappily, to be from the dinner our host was making>— see odd 2
2 excitingly or mysteriously unusual<strange fruits from faraway lands>— see exotic
3 not known or experienced before<using public transportation was all very strange to a rural girl like her>— see new 2
4 noticeably different from what is generally found or experienced<a rather strange story about a garden filled with poisonous plants>— see unusual 1
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Age: 63 Joined: 16 Mar 2006 Posts: 1450 Likes: 26 Location: wisconsin 18400.00 NLN Dollars
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Main Entry: tris·kai·deka·pho·bia
Pronunciation: \ˌtris-ˌkī-ˌde-kə-ˈfō-bē-ə, ˌtris-kə-\
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek treiskaideka thirteen (from treis three + kai and + deka ten) + New Latin phobia — more at three, ten
Date: circa 1911
: fear of the number 13
_________________ Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers
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Age: 48 Joined: 16 Apr 2006 Posts: 237 Likes: 4 Location: Oklahoma 12210.00 NLN Dollars
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slake • \SLAYK\ • verb
*1 : satisfy, quench
2 : to cause (as lime) to heat and crumble by treatment with water : hydrate
Example Sentence:
"What an unspeakable luxury it was to slake that thirst with the pure and limpid ice-water of the glacier!" (Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad)
Did you know?
"Slake" is no slacker when it comes to obsolete and archaic meanings. Shakespearean scholars may know that in the Bard's day "slake" meant "to subside or abate" ("No flood by raining slaketh. . . ." -- The Rape of Lucrece) or "to lessen the force of " ("It could not slake mine ire, nor ease my heart." -- Henry VI, Part 3). The most erudite word enthusiasts may also be aware of earlier meanings of "slake," such as "to slacken one's efforts" or "to cause to be relaxed or loose." These early meanings recall the word's Old English ancestor "sleac," which not only meant "slack" but is also the source of that modern term.
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Joined: 06 Mar 2009 Posts: 3912 Likes: 4458 1907389.00 NLN Dollars
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Definition of Quomodocunquize
Grandiloquent Dictionary
To make money by any means possible
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Age: 43 Joined: 18 Dec 2008 Posts: 1241 Likes: 108 Location: Kansas 5010.00 NLN Dollars
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mo·dus vi·ven·di
Pronunciation:\ˌmō-dəs-vi-ˈven-dē, -ˌdī\
Inflected Form(s):plural mo·di vivendi \ˈmō-ˌdē-, ˈmō-ˌdī-\
Etymology:New Latin, manner of living
Date:circa 1879
1: a feasible arrangement or practical compromise ; especially : one that bypasses difficulties
2: a manner of living : a way of life
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Joined: 01 Aug 2006 Posts: 106 Likes: 0 749.00 NLN Dollars
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2 entries found.
1. shitless
2. shitless
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shit·less Listen to the pronunciation of shitless
usually vulgar : to an extreme degree —used as an intensive especially with scare had to post this one.sorry if it offends,but this reminded me of this morning.I woke up at 6:00am this morning and it was nice and quiet.So I come around the corner and standing right there in the middle of the kitchen is my 6 year old.I never heard her get up and she scared me shitless!! The little crapper just smiled and said good morning.My wife told me the scream that i let out sounded like i was in one of those horror movies,and i was the girl about to get killed.anyway thats my story,hope it was funnier to you than it was to me
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Joined: 23 Jun 2006 Posts: 21 Likes: 0 2260.00 NLN Dollars
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adverb, Scots in the contrary direction; contrary to the course of the Sun. Opposite of deasil.
ETYMOLOGY: 16c: from German weddersins, from wider against + sin direction.
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Age: 59 Joined: 03 Aug 2006 Posts: 727 Likes: 23 Location: Twelve Step, USA 7970.00 NLN Dollars
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OMG this looks like a fun contest - I am on my way to the dictionary!!
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Age: 63 Joined: 30 Sep 2006 Posts: 3690 Likes: 4739 Location: Minnesota 5099188.00 NLN Dollars
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from Wikipedia:
badunkadunk (plural badunkadunks)
English, Noun Singular (African American Vernacular) Voluptuous buttocks, especially of a woman.
Example:Damn she's got a huge ass! Yeah man, she's got a badunkadunk!
Alternative spellings: badonkadonk
_________________ DON'T WORRY ~ ~ BE HAPPY!!!
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104695 Likes: 50511 Location: Gambleville 3523351.10 NLN Dollars
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I learned some new words
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Age: 77 Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 1601 Likes: 1796 Location: Texas 948990.00 NLN Dollars
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The Word of the Day for May 07, 2009 is:
oneiric • \oh-NYE-rik\ • adjective
: of or relating to dreams : dreamy
Example Sentence:
"Héberlé gives the film a wonderfully dreamlike patina, combining bright pastels and hard primary colors that mesh quite nicely with the directors' vaguely oneiric staging."
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Age: 66 Joined: 12 Sep 2006 Posts: 216 Likes: 8 5085.00 NLN Dollars
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One entry found.
Main Entry: con·gru·ent
Pronunciation: \kən-ˈgrü-ənt, ˈkäŋ-grü-ənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin congruent-, congruens, present participle of congruere
Date: 15th century
1 : congruous
2 : superposable so as to be coincident throughout
3 : having the difference divisible by a given modulus <12 is congruent to 2 (modulo 5) since 12−2=2·5>
— con·gru·ent·ly adverb
thanks for the great contest!
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Age: 52 Joined: 06 Jan 2009 Posts: 442 Likes: 17 Location: gambletown 937360.00 NLN Dollars
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belle laide
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belle laide Listen to the pronunciation of belle laide
foreign term
: beautiful ugly woman : woman who is attractive though not conventionally beautiful
_________________ maybe this time, I will hit the jackpot
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Age: 52 Joined: 06 Jan 2009 Posts: 442 Likes: 17 Location: gambletown 937360.00 NLN Dollars
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\KOR-uh-skayt\ , verb:
1. To give off or reflect bright beams or flashes of light; to sparkle.
2. To exhibit brilliant, sparkling technique or style.
They pulled up at the farthest end of a loop path that looked out over the great basin of the Rio Grande under brilliant, coruscating stars.
-- Bill Roorbach, "Big Bend", The Atlantic, March 2001
Whether we know or like it or not, those of us who turn our hands to this task are scribbling in a line of succession which, however uncertainly and intermittently, reaches back to the young Macaulay, who first made his public reputation as a coruscating writer in the 1820s.
-- David Cannadine, "On Reviewing and Being Reviewed", History Today, March 1, 1999
_________________ maybe this time, I will hit the jackpot