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Age: 52 Joined: 23 Jan 2011 Posts: 188 Likes: 90 Location: CA 72865150.00 NLN Dollars
Tournament Dollars
Posted:01.01.2012, 16:37
I don't know about anyone els but when I drink Budlight, Budweisers. Coors Light, or any beer I'll have a hang over the next morning for sure. But It's still gonna take at least 7 cans or more. And the best way to cure a hang over is when you get up the next morning, no matter how much head ache you get just head straight over to the fridge grab another can of beer and down it. At least half way then in a minute just finish that can of beer and you will no longer feel that head ache, guaranteed. If you don't want hang over the next morning but you still like drinking. Then try Heineken. Works for me. still can drink 7 or more no hang over.
May be becouse iam Bulgarian... iam usually drinking another 1-2 beer just to get my memoris back... eat a big bow of soup... and iam jumping back in the bed
i went camping and we were drinking heavily and my friend and i were fooling around well needless to say there were mountains we ended up going over the side and i hit my head on a rock well i ended up having a black eye and it was cut too when i woke up thats when i noticed my eye was cut and black on new years day i got a remedy dont drink and do stupid things