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Joined: 22 Jun 2006 Posts: 213 Likes: 6 4330.00 NLN Dollars
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my most memorable 4th was when i was with my best friend and we were showing her children how to shoot bottle rockets a bottle rocket hit the bag of bottle rockets and all the bottle rockets started shooting everywhere and we all had to duck for cover it was so funny because we were all dancing around to keep from getting hit by them. i guess the children learned how not to shoot bottle rockets and everyone was ok. never did set off firewoks after
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Age: 57 Joined: 12 Oct 2006 Posts: 130 Likes: 25 222350.00 NLN Dollars
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The most memorable 4th of July was not a good memory, to say the least. It was in 2006 and at approximately 2:30 AM a manufactured home caught fire. Well needless to say there where more than one manufactured home in that park. When it was all over with it had became 6 alarm and it had spread right next to my grandparents house. My husband was on top of the garage with a water hose trying to slow it down. We were moving all of the cars as far as possible for fear or gas tanks exploding. It was a sure miracle that no one was killed or really even hurt, but the lost everything. So the whole block reached out and helped them as much as they could. We were also blessed that it only melted a tail light lens on one of our cars. This is a 4th of July I will never forget. I was very thankful that no one lost there lives. The fire took out 6 mobile homes and at least 4 cars that weren't able to be moved.
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Age: 69 Joined: 27 Oct 2006 Posts: 1124 Likes: 42 Location: probably some casino 160044.00 NLN Dollars
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Oh man the fourth of July means a huge New England ClamBake to me- It is a familt tradition! I think that for me the most memorable year would be when we combined a send off party for my sister who was moving to Frisco, then Africa ! with the usual clam bake. Daddy hired a helecopter to give us all rides over the island and the lake we lived on. I was very young, maybe 4. I was sitting on my sister Cathy's lap and the copter had no door. I was terrified. I held on for dear life and kept my eyes shut tight through most of this ride. I had flown in my uncle's plane many times, so no one anticipated my abject terror. When it finally touched down on the island, I jumped out and immediatly hit the ground as my knees were too weak to support me! Later my sister took me aside and asked me what on earth was wrong. I told her the copter was going to crash and we had to tell the pilot and not let anyone else go up. My two cousins were the last two to fly that day, then the pilot ate with us and took off to pick up a family to fly them to Nantucket. It did crash and they were all killed. It haunted me for years, and to this day I will not go up in a copter. This was a very bad July 4th.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104705 Likes: 50525 Location: Gambleville 3525351.10 NLN Dollars
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Oh wow, I would love to go to a New Englad Clam bake!!
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Age: 69 Joined: 27 Oct 2006 Posts: 1124 Likes: 42 Location: probably some casino 160044.00 NLN Dollars
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« TDTAT » wrote:
Oh wow, I would love to go to a New Englad Clam bake!!
Then I will think of you tonight when my sister and I go to a lobster fest at the local sea food resturaunt!
I had the lobster there last Saturday night and it was sooooooo scrumptious that we just had to go back for more! Market price is as cheap as it gets right now, it being summer and all, so even when the prices on the menu are blank, one can order without fear! yummmmy!!!!
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Age: 63 Joined: 11 Feb 2008 Posts: 267 Likes: 26 Location: California 388936.00 NLN Dollars
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My most memorable 4th of July was when I was a young girl living in Washington State. We would always go to a place called Oak Harbor near a navy base to watch the fireworks on a beach. One year as we sat on some logs getting ready to do our own fireworks on the beach first, a match lit our whole box of fireworks and they went up in a huge, awesome display. We were horrified, but also amazed at the same time. We were all okay and just had to watch them go up at once but it was a pretty funny experience.
[email protected] |
Age: 61 Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Posts: 579 Likes: 1 Location: West Virginia 38282.00 NLN Dollars
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Mine was at Myrtle Beach 5 years ago when my husband and I got to go for our LAST trip there,before he was diagnosed with macular degeneration, he has sugar, so sooner than later he will be completely blind. He is only 45 now and he has the vision of an 85 to 90 year old, so that last trip to the beach will always stay fresh in our good memories book. Everything was perfect until we got home one week later. He started seeing people like looking in a fun house mirror. So his last good seeing days were at the Beach on July 4th 2003. Those memories will never be forgotten because that was the last time he could see anything. He still talks about it every year about this time,how he wishes he could go back in time. But he can't,so we deal wiyh things the best way we know how"One Day At A Time" Thanks for listening,I know bla-bla-bla... Your Friend kttyfn011 P.S. Never take anything for granted you could lose it at any time,appreciate all you have and enjoy it,once you lose it, its gone
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Age: 69 Joined: 27 Oct 2006 Posts: 1124 Likes: 42 Location: probably some casino 160044.00 NLN Dollars
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kttyfn011 my heart goes out to you and your husband. At least you still have each other- this July 4th will be the first for my nephews wife and kids- without him. Dead at 35 from colon rectal cancer. Get tested people, please! A moments discomfort to insure a full life with your loved ones. Hardly seems like something to think twice about, yet colon rectal cancer is one of the leading causes of death in this country, for both men and women. Jason had a pain in his lower back. He attributed it to working on a cement floor. It didn't go away- but he continued to ignore it. Please don't let this happen to you or your loved ones. Jason and Stacy have a 13 yr old daughter, an 11 year old son, and a six year old daughter that they had just completed the adoption on when he was diagnosed. He was gone before a year was out. Please please please don't wait when a nagging "little" pain won't go away- get it checked! The worst COULD be happening.
ktty I am so sorry your husband has lost his sight- you are sooooooo right when you say that anyone could lose anything at any time. The Gods are a fickle lot. I do hope yours is a memorable 4th this year. Maybe a seeing eye dog is in his future? My friends mom had one and it made a huge difference in her life. I wish you both all the best hun.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104705 Likes: 50525 Location: Gambleville 3525351.10 NLN Dollars
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kttyfn011, Sorry for you both, But blindness is not
the end of life.
Steve Wynn has that same disease I think.. has been
blind for years and has a great life. He is the man who started
the Wynn, Bellagio and Mirage.. Did it all mostly blind.
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Age: 61 Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Posts: 579 Likes: 1 Location: West Virginia 38282.00 NLN Dollars
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104705 Likes: 50525 Location: Gambleville 3525351.10 NLN Dollars
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kttyfn011, my prayers are with you both!
[email protected] |
Age: 61 Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Posts: 579 Likes: 1 Location: West Virginia 38282.00 NLN Dollars
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Thanks TDTAT We need all the prayers we can get, greatly appreciate that kttyfn011
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Age: 71 Joined: 11 Jul 2005 Posts: 978 Likes: 7 Location: Nebraska 46360.00 NLN Dollars
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kttyfn011, you must be a strong person with the attitude you have with facing your day to day responsibilities! Your commitment to be your husbands eyes til the end of time brought tears to my eyes. In this day and age you rarely find that kind of eternal love!!
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Age: 61 Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Posts: 579 Likes: 1 Location: West Virginia 38282.00 NLN Dollars
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my story |
Age: 42 Joined: 15 Jun 2008 Posts: 18 Likes: 0 Location: australia 328.00 NLN Dollars
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I'm an aussie and this is my best holiday story. It all started with a trip to a train station one day to meet some friends, as i was waiting i met this girl we really hit it off so she decided to come with me and my friends on a day out and a few drinks ( i was only 16 at the time ). After that day we got together almost everyday after that for about 2 weeks then she asked me hey wanna come on a free trip to queensland but you gotta pay for your own booze and smokes and i said sure why not im not doing much for the next week (id been kicked out of school a few months earlier so i had some free time on my hands lol}so i asked how are we getting there and she said oh my mums going to drive us and i asked where are we going to stay and she said at my granmas. this was around the time of my birthday so i went and asked my mum if i coud have some dosh foor the trip and she gave me $80 and said see ya when ya get back have fun. so i ended up haveing my birthday in queensland witch was exciteing because i had rarey left my state before but there where two things i remember most about my trip one was going into a bottleshop and them not haveing my favrite drink and them making a speciall order for me and the vegetarian girl thhat i went with asked me what i wanted for my birthday and as a joke i sain id love to watch you eat a steak the funny thing was she took it seriuosly and did i couldent belive it but the bad thing was it made her very sick for a few days another thing that i remember is going to the big mall up in queensland in my odd clothes everyone in the area was walking around in shorts and singlets and there i am walking around wearing green flairs and a pantera tshirt i got some weird looks and theses security guards where no less that 6 feet behind me at all times evan when i went to the food court they just kept following me i diddnt look dodgy just diffrent lol anyway i had i fun time :}
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