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PostPosted:31.05.2009, 18:19 Reply with quoteBack to top

I'll send it again
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PostPosted:31.05.2009, 18:38 Reply with quoteBack to top

THE BLACK GAME 21 OR BLACK SHOULD BE AN AUTOMAYIC WIN. YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO HIT stand.They also need to add split.The dealer was dealt a hand AAA3328. Added up to 36. If my math is correct it adds up to 19. Ace = 1. Both black jack and video need to be able to split if you can. Also if you can, on keno when it hits in numbers i picked can you make then a different color, like gteen or some other color besides red. It is tii hard to see. The roulett game starts spinning then slows down and starts spinning in the opposite direction. I was hacing a problen loading the games but i fixed it. I'm sorry if this is too nuch. Keno is my favorite. LOVE THE GAMES Rock On
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PostPosted:31.05.2009, 19:02 Reply with quoteBack to top

lizkern, We will try to get that updated for the next one!
Not enough time for this one!



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PostPosted:31.05.2009, 19:37 Reply with quoteBack to top

ok is it 1000.00 per game you get or is it 1000.00 total for any game you want to play?

Looking forward to it, sounds like a blast.

Thank You Noluckneeded for a awesome tournament and awesome prizes.

Gl allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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PostPosted:31.05.2009, 19:51 Reply with quoteBack to top

I was wondering the same....we each get $1000, and can play any of the games at any time throughout the tourney?

I'm excited to play, it's going to be fun!!! Thanks

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PostPosted:31.05.2009, 20:22 Reply with quoteBack to top

gonecamping2, kaymast24, $1000 per member for play on the game or games of your choosing Thumbup
You can play one game or all.

The $1000 will not show on the leader board. wink

Extra dollars can only be earned by posting for $25 a post.. but
you can post in this thread as much as needed if you go busted.


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PostPosted:31.05.2009, 21:07 Reply with quoteBack to top

$500 CASH 'Game-A-Thon' June 1st- June 7th at No Luck Needed
Tournaments are free for all members. If you are not a member, join for free today.

A Huge Multi-Game FREE Tournament June 1-7 2009
The NoLuckNeeded Game-a-Thon
$500 in FREE CASH PRIZES to Win! All members welcome
Tournament Page:
The Top 10 players over all the Games will win $50 Cash Each!
Possible Bonus prizes for a great turnout.

Current Start Time - Jun 01 2009 13:00:00 GMT
Current End Time - Jun 08 2009 00:00:00 GMT

Only your wins will show on the leader board. The $1000 you start
with does not count on the leader board.

If you run out of money, post here for $25 extra dollars.
Cash prizes are USD and paid to paypal or netspend visa.
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Expired Link. Check out our Casino Bonus Forum for a list of current bonuses.


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PostPosted:31.05.2009, 22:10 Reply with quoteBack to top

ok, im new to the forum and this seems too good to be true...whats the catch...if you actually win do you get the winnings if all you played with is the starting balance? If this is for real its the coolest thing ive ever seen!!! Icon_eyes
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PostPosted:31.05.2009, 22:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

It is for real and they do pay their winners the cash! I am living proof! Welcome julie2play!!
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PostPosted:31.05.2009, 22:33 Reply with quoteBack to top

Yup, I have won 2 slot tourneys and been paid the same day. This is a great site with lots of fun contests, casino information and bonuses, and cool tournaments.

Good Luck

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PostPosted:01.06.2009, 00:48 Reply with quoteBack to top

Count me in this one....Goodluck everyone, lets go have FUN!!!
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PostPosted:01.06.2009, 01:33 Reply with quoteBack to top

ok Liz I'll try and answer these one by one

« lizkern » wrote:

no how can this be done? the computer can't make the decision for you, if you for example have an Ace you have the choice to make an 11 or a 1,
or if the dealer has a king facing you and you have 19 if the computer made you stand where is the game in that? about the only time it could was if you had a blackjack

« lizkern » wrote:
They also need to add split.The dealer was dealt a hand AAA3328. Added up to 36. If my math is correct it adds up to 19. Ace = 1:

that's really 2 things so I'll answer about the AAA3328 bit here and the split next as you mention that there also.
That is a an error which I'll have to look into , the game was made 2 or 3 years ago then converted to casino and finally tournament versions so I can't recall the exact code that decides that but I get back to you on it , luckily that sounds like it went your way

« lizkern » wrote:
Both black jack and video need to be able to split if you can.

the video poker will never be a split version I've never seen nor heard of a split version of poker on or off the net, the offline black jack however normally does but when I made that again 2 or 3 years ago I did look into doing it and searched the net for other blackjack games to see how to do it , I could not find any that had a split option , but I don't go into online casinos so there may be versions in there that do ,
besides the problems of actually working out how to make it split the more difficult part is the amount of real estate you have to work with ,
some people still use 800 x 600 screen resolutions so these games have been designed to fit on their screens, currently most of these games are set at 720 x 530 for the tournament versions which pretty much fills up an 800 x 600 screen to fit 2 more sets of cards on there the cards would have to be pretty small on a persons screen set at 1024 x 768 or higher so it's a trade off really, these cards look fine at 1024 x 768 or even 1268x1024 and fine at 800 x 600

[quote="lizkern"]Also if you can, on keno when it hits in numbers i picked can you make then a different color, like gteen or some other color besides red. It is tii hard to see.</quote]

that is no problem I just looked at the game took me about a minute to convert the squares to green and you're right it is easier to see I'll get that to cho soon , he probably won't upload it till this Game-A-Thon is over though as I think is everything is just about set to go
unless TDTAT you want that version now will cho have time to upload it or should we leave it for this Game-A-Thon?

« lizkern » wrote:
The roulett game starts spinning then slows down and starts spinning in the opposite direction.

that game I didn't make it's an open source game by Ron North and looking at the code yes it does do that but it does that to give you the illusion of spinning , if you look at a car wheel or helicopter blades they also look as if they are spinning backwards as they slown down ,the numbers themselves still spin in one direction though it's just the wheel behind the numbers for the effect that does that

« lizkern » wrote:
I was hacing a problen loading the games but i fixed it. I'm sorry if this is too nuch. Keno is my favorite. LOVE THE GAMES Rock On

well I'm glad you like them, keno was one I made from scratch and wasn't too bad to do till my mate said it needed to have a replay button that was a headache to work out lol

good luck in the games

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PostPosted:01.06.2009, 02:05 Reply with quoteBack to top

can't wait for it to start. thanks
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PostPosted:01.06.2009, 02:54 Reply with quoteBack to top

thanks for this.havent been back for a while too busy working what a surprise.cant wait
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PostPosted:01.06.2009, 03:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

I sure hope I WIN-PLACE OR SHOW HA ! Very Happy
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