Welcome to the NoLuckNeeded.com Contest Corner! We give away hundreds of dollars, euros, and pounds every month and all you have to do to participate is post a message in the contest threads below. Don't be shy, we're friendly! If you are not a member, join today for free.
pmatthews, Then you probably have good odds as long as you downloaded the casino from noluckneeded. I will post here as soon as I hear from the casino with all the deposits. _________________
No one who entered this contest by posting qualifies to win as none of you were noluckneeded players who deposited in December. For this reason the prizes will be credited to noluckneeded players who deposited during the contest and did not post here.
Those winners will be announced soon.
pmatthews - not a noluck player at High Noon
ajdodge - not a noluck player at High Noon
dmichael2 – invalid login
colywog - not a noluck player at High Noon
spatterson32 - not a noluck player at High Noon
svinter - not a noluck player at High Noon
rshelton13 - not a noluck player at High Noon
ELCANDYBABY - not a noluck player at High Noon
corabetsie – noluck player however no deposits in December. _________________
pmatthews, You can not change your status at this point... When you download and regsiter at a casino after clicking a noluckneeded link or banner then you are a noluck player. So next time a new casino comes out, download it from here. _________________