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CLOSED $25 Happy Mother's Day Contest for ALL MEMBERS

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CLOSED $25 Happy Mother's Day Contest for ALL MEMBERS

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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 08:54 Reply with quoteBack to top

« TDTAT » wrote:
Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms out there!!

The $25 drawing winner May 11 is nima2
First post winner May 9th: jovida (PAID)




$25 NoLuckNeeded Happy Mother's Day Contest
Post a Mother's day message to enter the contest
Moms get extra points!!

Icon_syda I love my Mom!! Icon_syda

Contests ends May 9.
$25 cash paid by Netspend visa or postal mail



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Last edited by TDTAT on 11.05.2008, 08:21; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 09:02 Reply with quoteBack to top

A Mother has so many things to do,
From washing, ironing, cleaning to tying a shoe.
She scrubs, she mends, she cooks and sews,
She bathes the children and washes their clothes.
When they forget to wash their faces clean,
And their clothes are the muddiest you've ever seen,
Who repairs the clothes and scrubs them like new?
Of course, that is what a Mother will do.
Who becomes the doctor or the nurse when they are ill,
Applying a bandage or giving them a pill?
Who becomes a teacher when a child has homework?
She must never her duty shirk.
Who becomes a detective to find a toy or a book?
For missing things she must look and look?
Who becomes a listner to every heartache,
To every accompolishment that a child makes?
Who scolds their children when they are naughty,
Or remind them of God when they are to haughty?
Who tends her family with love and patience, too?
Of course that is what a Mother will do.

I love my Mom!! and I am a MOM too!

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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 09:14 Reply with quoteBack to top

I love my Mom and wish she were here in body not just in mind and spirit.

This is something she told me when I was pregnant the first time. She told me that my kids would not remember if the dishes were wash or the clothes folded but they would remember that Mom took the time to read them a story or play with them. I took that to heart and my kids will tell you, now 33 and 27, that Mom always had time to play with them. And I have carried it on the my grandkids.

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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 09:14 Reply with quoteBack to top

I miss my own dear Mother who died 5 years ago (July 2003) from cancer. I am going to honor her this year by doing the Relay for Life (May 31) locally. I'm raising money for this worthy cause.

I am a mother as well, and treasure every day with my beautiful 14 yr old daughter!

Happy Mothers Day to all.

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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 09:40 Reply with quoteBack to top

I just gotta' start off by saying......
My Dad and I are blessed to have my Mom here, alive and full of attitude!

My Mom's health is very poor.
But, she never loses her mind or MOUTH!

When I was a small child, I remember something that my Aunt (Rest in peace, Aunt Martha...).
She said, "Hon, your Mother is the Best Friend that you will ever have".

She was right.
I did not know that until I got older....

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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 09:41 Reply with quoteBack to top

I wish I could spend another Mother's Day with my DEAR MOTHER, she has been gone now 5 years. Each Mother's Day I go and place a dozen roses at her grave (her favorite). Sad
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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 09:55 Reply with quoteBack to top

My mom growing up was too funny. She would say when you have kids, "May they talk to you while you are on the phone with another, leave crayons, pens, gum and tissue in thier pockets for you to wash and may they always smile and say they love you every night before bed and everyday before school. WELL mom you were right they do!! Everytime I am on the phone, washing crayons, gum, lip gloss and pens, and the best part of it all.
They all four always smile and tell me they love me when going to bed and everyday when leaving for school or play!

The best part of being a mom is the kids you have to love!!!

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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 10:16 Reply with quoteBack to top

Mother's-What Can Anyone Say That Actually Honors Them To The Extent That They Deserve!!!

I was an adopted child and was raised in a loving home and made to feel SPECIAL as I was CHOSEN to be their daughter!! Growing up I always felt like I lived in the strictest house on the planet and of course my friends always got everything. Sound familiar to any of you mothers? As I grew to adulthood I realized that I lived in home where I was loved and protected, the times I wasn't allowed to go or couldn't have were done so in my best interest!!! I can admit that now.

My adopted Mother was my BEST FRIEND!!! We shared everything. She was with me at birth of my first child. She sat patiently with my husband during the many surgeries and was the World's Greatest Grandmother and Great Grandmother!!!

As she grew older and her health became an issue we moved in with her to take care of her in her own home as she didn't want to go to Assisted Living or a Nursing Home. Two days after the move she had her first stroke. She was forced into the Nursing Home for a month for rehabiliation and we were fortunate to bring her home the day before Thanksgiving 2002! In February 2003 she suffered congestive heart failure and again had to go to the Nursing Home. On March 5, 2003 she left this world with my hand in hers! The hardest most beautiful moment in my life!

She is with me always!!!

As a mother myself, I learned from the BEST! My kids are grown and we have grandchildren ourselves now. I try my best to follow the example given to me and hope that I too can set that example for my daughters to be the BEST THEY CAN BE for their families!

There is no GREATER JOY than being a MOTHER and GRANDMOTHER and hopefully someday a GREAT GRANDMOTHER.

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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 10:18 Reply with quoteBack to top

I love my Mom. I spend alot of time with her, to keep her company
and keep her busy since my Dad passed away. We have a great time
going gambling, going out for lunch and grocery shopping. Im so lucky
to have her. Happy Mothers Day to all the moms!!!

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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 10:31 Reply with quoteBack to top

Being a Mom only makes me miss my Mom more. She died 9 years ago not only did I lose my Mom that day, I lost my best friend.
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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 10:33 Reply with quoteBack to top

My mother is very special to me. I live with her in a separate apt. in their house. So, I get to see her daily and share things. We are very close. I love my children as well. All 3 of them come to visit me often.

I want to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day!!

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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 10:51 Reply with quoteBack to top


M - O - T - H - E - R
"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell
A word that means the world to me.
Howard Johnson (c. 1915)


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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 11:15 Reply with quoteBack to top

I am mom to 4 beautiful children.

well I tried to upload a pic. my computer says it is only 1 MB in size and I am getting "The Attachment is too big.
Max Size: 1 MB"

hmmm weird

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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 11:39 Reply with quoteBack to top

Being A mom and a grandmother, makes me appreciate my mom even more! Very Happy She is the mother of 12! I can't even imagine being pregnant for that much time in my life,much less have the children!! Most of us are a year apart - or less - and she is still here to talk about it! 041 Icon_syda Amazing! Icon_pray

The other favorite mother in my life is my daughter! 026 Jump She has possably the most beautiful children on this planet! WOW (of course I may be a little bias... he he)

I am very lucky to have these wonderful women in my family! Love It In Love


DON'T WORRY ~ Smilielove ~ BE HAPPY!!!

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PostPosted:29.04.2008, 11:42 Reply with quoteBack to top

My mom was the picture of health until about 11 years ago when she was diagnosed with cancer. By the grace of God, with the help of my dear husband, she is still with me today. Soooooo many complications along the way, but she is one strong person.

God bless my mother, I am so lucky to still have her. Being an only child has made me so close to her.

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