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PostPosted:09.02.2008, 16:45 Reply with quoteBack to top

You're welcome everyone! I hope y'all have some good luck, too!! Very Happy

Good Luck

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PostPosted:09.02.2008, 17:19 Reply with quoteBack to top

« TDTAT » wrote:
« Boemelke » wrote:
« TDTAT » wrote:
Boemelke, Laughing You are funny... nice socks
and I am a girl.. Razz

I know u are a girl, but nobody sees it behind your mask !

Well next time, do not use a "large" guy Laughing
girls are sensative about these things Embarassed

but, it's a disguise, in fact behind the mask there is one hell of a cute face, with the most beautifull eyes mankind has ever had the joy of witnessing.

As u can see the arms are big and hairy, but it's a new genetic process which can easy be reversed with a simple injection, we all know the real arms are those slender arms which u can hold forever, or take the hand in your hand while slowly carressing the inside of the hand with some slow movement of the thumb to gently move up to that cute face again, and there start with some ear massage but I better quit now, this is not an ero post !.

then we come to best part, which is the big tummy. Offcourse we had to find a reason to cover up the breasts and flat tummy cause we wanna make 'admin' look like a tough bully (and not some way too nice girl). So we came up with incredible idea called 'stuffed sweater'. So what u see is basicly a combination of tissues, wool, cotton, all held togehter by some scotch tape !

therefore it is actually amzingly simple explained and very easy said that behind this disguise there is just a mindblowing cute girly

does that explanaition suits you ? Smile

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PostPosted:09.02.2008, 17:54 Reply with quoteBack to top

Boemelke, Laughing Thanks Thanks!! LMAOOOOOO

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PostPosted:09.02.2008, 19:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

Congratulations on your win!! I hope you stay lucky!!

Thanks so much for sharing it!

DON'T WORRY ~ Smilielove ~ BE HAPPY!!!

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PostPosted:09.02.2008, 19:52 Reply with quoteBack to top

Alright Way To Go blove
Thanks for the chance also

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PostPosted:09.02.2008, 20:26 Reply with quoteBack to top

Thanks blove and Congratulations on your win Thanks for the contest.
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PostPosted:09.02.2008, 20:54 Reply with quoteBack to top

congratulations blove your so kind and wtg and hope you win more!!!
thanks again


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Thanks blove
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PostPosted:09.02.2008, 21:37 Reply with quoteBack to top

Cool blove you and NLN "ROCK"!! Very Happy
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PostPosted:09.02.2008, 21:41 Reply with quoteBack to top

here's a pic of my lil' guy Jimmy lol


thank u blove

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PostPosted:09.02.2008, 23:02 Reply with quoteBack to top

BLOVE...Lucky Lucky Lady!!! Sooooo Sweet To Share!!! I always have wondered what that "CASH OUT" button was for??? lol xxxxxxx GlGl 2 Every-1... Thanks A Bunch!!!! Very Happy

Surfin the web 'n thought it was kinda cute..........................................

A lady inserted an ad in the classifieds saying : "Husband Wanted"
Next day she received hundreds of letters.They all said the same thing:
"You can have mine."

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PostPosted:09.02.2008, 23:04 Reply with quoteBack to top

Blove is a winner in more ways than one, sharing good luck when you're receiving it, is the best way to enjoy it. Thanks so much blove, and talking about sharing.....

A little old couple walked slowly into a McDonald’s one cold winter evening. They looked out of place amid the young families and young couples eating there that night. Some of the customers looked admiringly at them. You could tell what the admirers were thinking, "Look, there is a couple who has been through a lot together, probably for 60 years or more!" The little old man walked up to the cash register, placed his order with no hesitation and then paid for their meal. The couple took a table near the back wall and started taking food off of the tray. There was one hamburger, one order of French fries and one drink. The little old man unwrapped the plain hamburger and carefully cut it in half. He placed one half in front of his wife. Then he carefully counted out the French fries, divided them in two piles and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife. He took a sip of the drink, and then his wife took a sip as the man began to eat his few bites. Again, you could tell that people around the old couple were thinking. "That poor old couple." As the old man began eating his French fires, a young man stood up and walked to the old couples’ table. He politely offered to buy another meal. The old man replied that they were just fine. They were used to sharing everything. Then the crowd noticed that the little old lady still hadn’t eaten a thing. She just sat there watching her husband eat and occasionally sipped some of the drink. Again, the young man came over and begged them to let him buy them another meal. This time, the lady explained that no, they were used to sharing. As the little old man finished eating and was wiping his face neatly with a napkin, the young man could stand it no longer and asked again. After being politely refused again, he finally asked the little old lady, "Ma’am, why aren’t you eating. You said that you share everything. What is it that you are waiting for?"
She answered, "The teeth."

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PostPosted:09.02.2008, 23:12 Reply with quoteBack to top

congrats!! At my favorite casino even....WTG...thanks for a chance to win a little of your lucky winnings.... I LOVE THIS PLACE!!
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PostPosted:10.02.2008, 00:01 Reply with quoteBack to top

ok here goes,

I was talking to my hubby one day and i told him i was going somewhere and since i was there i would kill 2 birds with one stone ( you know get 2 things done at once) well my 9 yr old heard me say that. Later he asked me mom how can you kill 2 birds with 1 stone, i don't think that is possible..........lol. he a serious look on his face.

then just the other day i was putting a toy together for my almost 4 month old son and i couldn't figure out where the screws went, my 9 yr old looked at me and said mom "righty tighty lefty lousy" that should help you. then went outside and started playing with his friends.

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PostPosted:10.02.2008, 00:03 Reply with quoteBack to top

blove I typed in the word in google search for blove and this is what I found, deffinitons for blove. Cool hu?

1. blove 3 up, 1 down

buh-lah-vuh. Big love. To love someone more than love, but in a bigger and/or more significant way. Reserved for special partners.

I blove you; blove (as a saluation in a letter or email)

tags love big love hate special love infatuation
by andyinnyc new york Oct 3, 2006 email it
permalink: del.icio.us
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your email:
their email:
send me the word of the day (it's free)

2. blove 5 up, 5 down

A creature that preys upon women's emotions and genitals in the late evening and early morning in the greater Boston area. Frequently seen with a man asking for women's shoes.

Petey's sistah went out to the bahs last weekend and was deflowahed by Blove.

by Tony Bartling Apr 21, 2003 email it
3. blove 4 up, 5 down

Similar to 'love,' but reserved more for platonic love between very close friends.

"I blove you, homie."

by Jack Jun 17, 2003 email it

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PostPosted:10.02.2008, 01:24 Reply with quoteBack to top

Embarassed Congrats on your win. Rock On

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