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Je ne vois pas annacris dans les classements?je me bat jusqu'au bout pour etre 2eme au classement et quelqu'un qui n'est pas dans le classement gagne?j'ai pas compris la ce systeme...
Age: 37 Joined: 13 Dec 2011 Posts: 46 Likes: 43 Location: New York 205780.00 NLN Dollars
Tournament Dollars
Posted:25.03.2012, 11:29
Congrats to all the winners, I was trying my hardest to stay awake and play, I started to play, and fell asleep at my keyboard. I had slept 2hrs out of the last 60-70 give or take, so I slept for the next 12-14 hrs on and off lol. On a side note, did the winners of the St.Pattys day and All Star Slots contests get announced?