Blackjack tournament strategy | Blackjack Tournaments

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Blackjack tournament strategy | Blackjack Tournaments

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PostPosted:02.04.2009, 11:19 Reply with quoteBack to top

Blackjack tournaments strategy | Blackjack Tournaments | Blackjack Stategy | Playing Blackjack
by NoLuckNeeded member ttwna2k

You will find Blackjack tournaments at land casinos and online casinos.
Blackjack tournaments range from free rolls to $50.00 entry. There is no re-buy its all in. You begin at your table the number of players depends on how many entered in the tournament. You do not need to beat your table you need to beat other players at other tables as well. For example if there are 250 players as there are in the free roll tourneys you need to be in the top 14 of all 250 players to go to the next round.

The bet will automataclly start at $10.00 adjust it to raise your bet MAKE SURE YOU RAISE YOUR BET you don't want to get Blackjack on a $10.00 bet. FYI if your winnings are $3500.00 - $4000.00 on the first round your most likely going to place so try and keep that amount, moreless if you have $4000.00 and 4 hands remaining lower your bet to $100.00 or so that way you won't lose $1000.00 only $400.00 if you lose the remaining hands.

If you care about your money try not to start off with big bets. When starting a blackjack tournament do not just go in with big bets in the hope of a fast lead cause it can be also a fast loss. Once you lost a big bet you'll have difficulties with catching up your opponents. try to Save your Blackjack chips for the situations when you need them.

Try always to keep track on your opponents stack. Remember - The goal of blackjack tournaments is to win more chips than your opponents. When you are in the lead bet reasonable, when you're behind bet higher than the chip leader in order to catch up with him.

Never rely on luck. skill is needed in order to play multiplayer blackjack. To be sure, there is a luck factor just as in any traditional blackjack, but if you rely on luck alone you will lose in the end. try learning the successful blackjack strategies of professional players and stick to them.

Do no follow, LEAD! This is a very big mistake that lots of blackjack beginners make, both in the traditional blackjack and blackjack tournaments. Do not bet big just because everyone else does (don't be stupid!) . You have to play according to your cards. Learn the charts and do the smart thing. Then bet accordingly...

Hit on a hand of 16 if the dealer has an upcard of 7 or higher. A lot of players will stay on a 16 regardless of what the dealer has because they figure it’s a sure bust. Studies show that when a dealer has an upcard of 7 or higher they have nearly an eighty percent chance of having a ten card as the undercard.

Never split tens or fives ( when you have two of the same cards 2 tens, 2 fives etc. you can split the cards to make two hands so if I have 2 fives and split them I now have two hands each with one 5 instead of one hand with 2 cards equaling 10) . You will have a greater chance to hit for a 21 (blackjack) or higher ranking hand.
Always split aces and eights.
Never split face cards (K, Q, J)

Do be consistent, BUT not so predictable. Pick an amount and make it your average bet. Adjust off of that. Place bigger bets when it's smart to do so and smaller bets when prudence dictates. Above all, keep the other players in your multiplayer tournament guessing. You do not want them trumping you because they know how you will act.

Good luck and play smart.


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