Age: 58 Joined: 11 Jan 2010 Posts: 48 Likes: 9 225263.00 NLN Dollars
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[i][b] Hey TADAT.
It's me again about your birthday bonuses
First off let me say that I have made quite a few deposits to
Topica and Vegas Regal Casinos, they we my favorite ones to play.
Vegas Regal ( They Rock!!!!) they had a bonus in that box for
me the morning of my birthday. That was pretty nice.
When a friend got a bonus from topica, I took action.
I decieded to contact support and ask why?
I was informed that because it had been almost 2 months
since I deposited, I was not ELIGABLE to recieve a birthday bonus!!!
I thought a BD bonus was a way to say' Thanks and Happy BD?
You know when you loose money at casinos your kinda desgusted.
Its a nice present for them to give ya a little back for your BD w/Thanks
Its not nice knowing all we R is a dollar sign to some.
Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104231 Likes: 49928 Location: Gambleville 3452601.10 NLN Dollars
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wiccanmom, Sorry... each casino does it's own thing. You could try to email a manager and complain or just do not play somewhere that did not make you happy.