Age: 61 Joined: 23 Feb 2011 Posts: 399 Likes: 143 Location: dublin 82142.00 NLN Dollars
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hi has anyone expierenced this i played a promo at bet cave and won so i cashed out i left some money in the account.then redeemed my comp points played for a while then cashed out.i split the withdrawl and reversed one off the withdrawls .then i played and lost ,had com points again so redeemed them got over 25 so cashed out and reversed them to play another promo.then all of sudden my balance jumped up all promos were deleted even the one i was playing,my e mail said reversal completed ,contact support if u did not request it so i did.was told not too cash the balance in my account and wait for e mail from managment
Joined: 11 Mar 2006 Posts: 104202 Likes: 49898 Location: Gambleville 3449451.10 NLN Dollars
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hong kong, That is complicated, so I doubt anyone expericenced it... I can not even follow.
Age: 61 Joined: 23 Feb 2011 Posts: 399 Likes: 143 Location: dublin 82142.00 NLN Dollars
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nor do i i have cashed out at this casino before and all terms were met,i was even offrd a 200 pcent play through and congats on youre win ,gantied to tripple youre deposit when i logged in,after withdrawl.i played 270 secondr promo, deposited 25 won withdrew 540 left 25 behind redeemd 127 comp points played ,wasnt gettin anywhere withdrew 100 then 47 ,reversed the 47 played lost ,had 15 comp points .played those,got 27 withdrew and reversed that,played and all was cancelled now mw balance is bigerr then my original withdrawl,xecpt i left in limbo