Become the Casino of Life |
Age: 44 Joined: 03 Oct 2004 Posts: 718 Likes: 29 5367.00 NLN Dollars
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Become the Casino of Life Where You Control the Outcome Rather Than Playing the Odds
I want to continue on the subject that I have been addressing as of late concerning building success.
Often it seems when speaking of success many automatically assume that one is talking about the rich and elite. People that appear to have huge sums of money, and drive fancy cars, and live in mansions.
I cannot clearly state this properly enough; the end result that we see with our eyes is never to be interpreted as success. One only need to peruse around the so-called elite of this world to realize that success is the furthest thing from most of them.
Many of these types are extremely unhappy, paranoid and delusional. More than not these same people never created their own success; they were simply born into the appearance of success.
Often they never learned the secrets that their predecessors understood; they were just simply handed down the fruit of someone else's labor without ever understanding the actual process that was behind it all.
Many people of this environment are no different than what could be considered a failure, because they lack any skills of personal development. They hold on to their money as if it was a god, because that is all they have to define themselves, and they protect it with all of their life-motion for fear of being without it, leaving them stranded without viable skills to regain their former situation.
Have you ever wondered why so-called wealthy people commit suicide when they find out that they have become bankrupt? Yet all the while 45% of the nation lives their entire life having less than the rich person had when they could no longer cope. It is because their entire life was based on them being successful when they were simply only rich!
You see this is not success, it is a facade. As I said in my last article, successful people could lose their last million and not concern themselves with it, because they have the skills and know-how to get it all back if they desire. They do not try to protect their wealth because they know that wealth is not success.
When people have created their own success they then prescribe to laws of generosity and concern for their fellow man. They are not wrapped up in the results of their success so therefore they are freer to be caring and compassionate. Most of all their state of mind is more important than riches!
One of the true keys of success is love towards one another. When Napoleon Hill, of the famed, "Think and Grow Rich" was speaking to people like Ford and Carnegie, he learned that these people considered the value of their fellow human. It was important to them to show respect and honor one to another, a trait that is sadly lacking today with the rich and elite.
Decades later many have misinterpreted the philosophy of success and turned it into the results rather than the building blocks. I assure you this is not what the successful people of the past were teaching. And because so many have misunderstood or misapplied the magnificent teachings of these men and women, we see today a strange mixed brew of philosophy concerning real true success.
On the Internet we are plagued with Business Opportunity Programs all advertising, join us, we have made it so that you do not have to do anything and you will become wealthy!
The philosophy of success today is all based on getting the results without effort. And when it does not occur people complain that they were defrauded and they begin to moan and blog their mind out so everyone else can be lured in by their negative mindset.
Sadly the true fraud was that individual's own mind allowing them to believe that they would get something for nothing. No one scammed them; no one deceived them. They allowed it to happen because they wanted the quick fix, the do nothing approach to success.
This is the problem I see today, most are not in the proper mindset to excel towards success, they really do not want to do anything that may make them responsible for their actions, they simply want the end result without the labor!
That is why all of these programs are popping out left and right, because this is what the majority of the people are looking for. They want the cute catch phrases and the luring clichés they state, "money tree here, all you have to do is sit under it and tons of money will fall into your lap!"
Time in and time out these same individuals enter these programs and they never make any money because they never had any intention to follow through with the actual viable stepping stones of the program that really makes it work. But of course not, they did not want to do anything anyway, that is why they joined! It is nothing more than playing the lottery for most people!
Yet in the almost dualistic fashion via the law of polarity the other side of the coin reveals other people that actually do work the system and constantly make more and more money on almost every program they join.
Most programs on the net could make anyone money if they wanted to work them. And it is not as difficult as one may believe; it just takes persistence and a real belief that you can do it.
As stated in my previous article, if you are producing energy of absolute belief without allowing any negative energy to dissuade you, then you can accomplish almost anything your heart desires through momentum over time.
If you truly desire or need money, then build the ladder of success that engenders it in your life. Don't keep playing the roulette wheel hoping your number will be the next chosen, this is not success. Instead why not become the Casino of life where you control the outcome rather than playing the odds, where nothing can defeat you! Where your own internal happiness will be the catalyst of life.
John V Panella Author of the ancient secrets through the metaphysical, latest work "The Gnostic Papers!" Business Site only: