Basic Blackjack | Blackjack Online | Blackjack Basics

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Basic Blackjack | Blackjack Online | Blackjack Basics

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PostPosted:31.03.2009, 12:53 Reply with quoteBack to top

Basic Blackjack | Blackjack Online | Blackjack Basics
by NoLuckNeeded member Brendan77

Blackjack is a popular online casino card game. Blackjack is played at both land-based casinos and online casinos. The object of the game is that the player’s hand value needs to be as close to 21 without going over, thus beating the value of the dealer’s hand. Blackjack players are not playing against the other members at the table. The player’s hand is only played against the hand of the dealer.

Blackjack is played with one or more standard 52-card decks, with each denomination assigned a point value. Without going over, the object for the player is to draw cards totaling closer to 21, and beating the dealer's hand total.

• Cards 2 through 10 are worth their face value
• Kings, queens, and jacks are each worth 10
• Aces may be used as either 1 or 11
• Blackjack is a two-card 21
• Blackjack pays 3-2
For example, a two-card 21 on a $5 bet will win $7.50 instead of the usual $5 even-money payoff on other winning hands.
However, if the dealer also has a two-card 21, the hand pushes, or ties, and you just get your original bet back.
But if the dealer goes on to draw 21 in three or more cards; your blackjack hand is still a winner with its 3-2 payoff.

The Game
Most games today use four, six, or eight decks. Play begins when you place a bet by stacking a chip or chips in the betting square on the table directly in front of you. After all bets have been placed, each player and the dealer are given two cards. In a single- or double-deck game dealt from the hand, cards are dealt facedown and players may pick them up with one hand. Either way, one of the dealer's cards is turned face up so the players can see it.

Once the cards have been dealt, players decide in turn how to play out their hands. After all players have finished, the dealer plays according to set rules:
• The dealer must draw more cards to any total of 16
• The dealer must stand on any total of 17 or more

Hit: This means taking another card in hopes of getting closer to 21. If the player's total exceeds 21 after hitting, the player is said to "bust" and loses the bet.
Scratch the table with the cards to signal a hit. In land based casinos verbal calls to hit are not accepted. The signals are used for the benefit of the security cameras above the table, so a taped record is on hand to settle any potential disputes.

Stand: When you stand, you elect not to draw any more cards. You should stand if you think your current hand total will beat the dealer’s hand total without busting.
Signal a stand by holding a flattened palm over your cards or by sliding your cards under your bet chip.

Double down: This means to double your original bet and receive only one more card regardless of its denomination.
 Double down by taking a chip or chips equal to the amount of your original bet and placing them next to your bet.
Some casinos restrict doubling down to hands in which your first two cards total 10 or 11
Others allow you to double on any two cards
At this point you also need to turn your original two cards face up

Split: If the first two cards dealt to you are of the same denomination, you can make a second bet equal to your first and split the pair. This makes each card the first card of a separate hand.
• For example, if you are dealt two 9s and you choose to split, put another betting chip on your bet box. The dealer will separate the 9s and then put a second card on the first 9. Play that hand out in normal fashion until you either stand or bust. Then the dealer will put a second card on the second 9, and you play that hand out until you either stand or bust.

Insurance: When the dealer’s face up card is an ace, you have the option of buying "insurance". This is essentially a bet that the dealer’s face down card is a 10 value to complete a blackjack.
• Insurance may be taken for half the original bet
• It pays 2-1 if the dealer has blackjack
• The hope is that if you win the insurance bet and lose the hand, you come out even.
For example, the player has 19 with a $5 bet down. The dealer has an ace up. The player takes a $2.50 insurance bet. If the dealer has blackjack, the player loses the $5 bet on the hand but wins $5 with the 2-1 payoff on the $2.50 insurance bet

What if the player has a blackjack? The dealer is likely to offer you "even money" instead of the insurance bet. This is what happens when you insure a Blackjack.
• The player bets $10 and has a Blackjack. The player would normally collect $15 for this hand, unless the dealer also has a blackjack, in which case you push or tie.
• Let's assume that the dealer has an ace up, and the player decides to take insurance for the full amount, or $5. Two things can happen:
The dealer has a Blackjack. The player ties with the $10, but collects 2:1 on the $5 insurance bet =profit of $10.
The dealer does not have Blackjack. The player loses the $5, but collects $15 for the blackjack hand=profit of $10.
In either case, once I make the insurance bet, I'm guaranteed a profit of $10, or even money for my original bet.

This sounds like a good outcome, but remember that a blackjack hand pays 3-2. A player may actually win more money by holding out for the full payoff instead of taking the insurance payoff. However, there will be times when the player will come out empty handed when not taking the insurance. It is important for the blackjack player to weigh their options as well as the risks.


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PostPosted:22.09.2009, 05:01 Reply with quoteBack to top

Online Blackjack Games have more chances to win if you have done lot of practice in playing blackjack for free. Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted:22.04.2010, 06:39 Reply with quoteBack to top

Hey you have given good information here. Any newbie who reads this won't have any problem in understanding the basics of blackjack. I would like to attempt the basics in short description:

Like you said, in blackjack, number cards are worth their designated values, face cards are all worth 10, and an ace is worth either 1 or 11. The object of a game of blackjack is to draw cards whose total value comes close to, but does not exceed, 21.

You start your blackjack game with two cards. The dealer also has two cards; one is face up (the "up card") and one is face down (the "hole card"). After you examine your own two cards and the dealer's up card, you play your hand by taking one of the following actions:

Stand: You take no more cards.
Hit: You take another card. You may continue hitting until you either "bust" (go over 21) or decide to stand.
Double down: You double your bet and take exactly one more card.
Split: If you have two cards of the same value, you can double your bet, split your hand, and have each card count as the first card of a new hand.
Surrender: If your hand looks bad, you can minimize your loss by surrendering the hand and losing half of your bet amount.

If you bust or surrender, you lose and the game is over. Otherwise, it is the dealer's turn to play his hand by standing or hitting. If the dealer busts, you win the game. If neither you nor the dealer busts, the one with the higher hand wins.

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PostPosted:29.06.2010, 02:06 Reply with quoteBack to top

I also consider blackjack as a game of skill, you can hone your skills with a great decision making and knowing when to hit or stand in this game.
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