Review by Lamphead444
Reviewed 25.02.2025
Okay, so I RARELY EVER write reviews so get ready to hear a very understandable rant. For starters, I was a loyal & active player here for OVER A DECADE, they have always been mehh but something has DEFINITELY changed (IN A VERY BAD WAY) within the last year or 2 in pretty much every category, but wow, the SLEAZINESS LEVELS ARE OFF THE CHARTS NOW. I legitimately do not even remember the last time I won here, let alone be entertained for a bit, (including with my free bonuses), & I deposited A LOTT! The KEY ISSUE… THE REPS/HELP HERE IS IMPRESSIVELY INCOMPETENT!!! THE DYSFUNCTION IS OFF THE CHARTS, one rep tells you one thing, then another tells you the total opposite. Most of them don’t even know how their own games work!! Oh & countless times have I been careful to be as calm as possible with these absolute brainless drones because they are so arrogantly rude/ fragile/ egotistical plain nasty/bad people that will close the chat on you! I’d be in the middle of writing a reply, and as soon as they’d write “Is there anything else I can assist you with?”, LITERALLY A SECOND LATER THE CHAT IS CLOSED! I have COUNTLESS screenshots showing the absolutely ridiculous nature of the reps here. NO HYPERBOLE, THE ABSOLUTE WORST/ INCOMPETENT/ RUDE/ IMPATIENT/ ANNOYING/ FRUSTRATING HELP I HAVE EVERR DEALT WITH! I can’t stress enough how truly horribly inept they are & I mean it when I say in my ENTIRE life I have yet to encounter any company that comes even close! I couldn’t put together a worse team IF I TRIED TO! It’s honestly impressively incompetent (SO BAD THAT ONE MIGHT THINK THEY’VE BEEN TOLD TO ACT AS SUCH), NOT SURE WHICH IS WORSE.
Anyway, the other day they really sank to a new low… please read the entire thread so you understand I’m not just an angry/dumb player who isn’t experienced, because I am extremely seasoned/ know the in’s/out’s (T&C’s/etc.).
So this was probably the worst thing any online casino has ever done to me, my card was charged without my consent… I hope I do well enough to explain but DAYS AFTER I had already made the original deposit WITH a match offer, & again before you think I’m just another bitter/angry sore-loser, IT WAS NOT “DELAYED”, IT WAS “DECLINED” while also telling me to “PLEASE TRY AGAIN”… I’D UNDERSTAND IF IT WAS “DELAYED” (as they claim), I HAVE A PICTURE (screenshot) OF THE EXACT TIME/DATE WHERE THEIR OWN SITE SHOWS “DECLINED, PLEASE TRY AGAIN***”. So when I say they committed fraud, I LITERALLY MEAN THEY CHARGED MY CARD WITHOUT MY APPROVAL. For years, I have used this exact card on file and ALWAYS, on the 1st try it gets declined as a safety precaution, then I’d have to redo the process to have it accepted… This time, I get the message of “DECLINED, PLEASE TRY AGAIN” (I ONLY DEPOSIT IN CONJUNCTION WITH A MATCH BONUS MIND YOU), NOT ONE TIME HAVE I EVER DEPOSITED WITHOUT ONE, I go on to redo the deposit & per usual as of the past year or so I lost in about 5-10 minutes betting minimum, then days later I got an email about my card being charged, I didn’t think much of it thinking it was just a late email, then I checked my card & saw the charge then logged on Miami only to see my deposit there with NO MATCH BONUS MIND YOU! (WHY WOULD THIS ALLEGED ‘DELAYED’ PAYMENT BE ACCEPTED WHEN SAID DEPOSIT WAS ONLY MADE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE MATCH BONUS AS I ONLY EVER PLAY WITH MATCH BONUSES!)…
So after about 30 emails going back & forth arguing & showing them evidence of what their own site showed, they kept saying “IT WAS NOT* POSSIBLE TO REFUND MY MONEY” & kept trying to deny or show any semblance of empathy or acknowledgment of morals, only denial with multipleee different reps responding at different times with one giving a more nonsensical/ brainless drone response after the other, I finally had it & wrote “I’m done playing these games, a serious crime was actually committed here & not one of you have shown any effort to even show that you care a tiny bit, just the usual bs responses from multiple different reps that clearly didn’t even bother reading previous emails before responding with nonsense, I will be reporting you to my bank as fraud. I really tried with you guys but I’m done”… WELL WHAT DO YOU KNOWWW!! After telling me over & over a refund was NOT* POSSIBLE* A REFUND WAS GIVEN!! I proceeded to send a profanity laced message & happily got my account to be closed with these absolute sleazy/ dirty company! After straight lying to me over & over (not only about the refund being possible) they proceed to issue a refund as soon as I say, “I’m done playing games & will be reporting fraud, don’t bother even responding to this email” WHALLAHH! A REFUND HAS BEEN ISSUES AND SHOULD ARRIVE WITHIN 7-14 BUSINESS DAYS! ABSOLUTE JOKES, BOTTOM OF THE BARREL SLEAZEBAGS, DEFINITELYYYY NOT WHAT THEY USED TO BE!!! I URGE AND WARN YOU TO STAY AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE FROM THESE SCAMS! Should really be blacklisted. Me writing a freaking essay here when I NEVER take the time or care enough to ever write any reviews should really tell you something, AGAIN, I AM NOT JUST SOME BITTER/SORE-LOSER HERE! I USED TO LOVE IT HERE EVEN WHEN I’D LOSE A LOTTT! As I love Liberty & Lincoln $ EveryGame/ Redstag only when I wasn’t “upgraded” to “VIP” (VIP’s there for whatever odd reason can only get a 75% match when normal players get MUCH better offers + spins!) lol. So if you are doing research thinking about this place, don’t say I didn’t warn you! I can’t even believe I wrote this much about how bad they truly are! Skip it and go to the MUCH better/ cleaner Liberty/Lincoln/Everygame/Redstag if you like the slots/WGS program they use! I’d recommend Redstag if new as I have literally made friends with most of their reps, (which should also tell you that I am not just targeting/ being bitter towards Miami, from the bottom of my heart I mean it when I say they are a TOTAL STAY AWAY!!
Review by piratelife
Reviewed 24.08.2017
ok how should i articulate this,,,, miami club is my casino cyber crush, it will keep you coming back for more,,,
a must for any slot lover